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Full Foot Notch, Version 3, Rockwells and more

how hard do you think it would be to adapt the stock lines and filler necks to that tank, it might work

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Bronco II: 1984 w/ 94" WB
Features: Small gauge hole 2"
Capacity: 23 gallons
Dimensions: 29-1/4" x 24-5/8" x 13-7/8"
Free with Tank: Rubber O-ring and lock ring kit for sending unit
Packaging: Boxed
Part Number: F-10A


Bronco II: 1985-90 w/ 94" WB
Features: Large gauge hole 3-5/8"
Capacity: 23 gallons
Dimensions: 29-1/4" x 24-5/8" x 13-7/8"
Free with Tank: Rubber O-ring and lock ring for sending unit
Packaging: Boxed
Part Number: F-10B

RICK, which one you use, guage size wise

and can i use my stock pickup, or i gotta get a bronc2 sending unit?

The later model was set up for EFI, the older one was set for carburation. Jamie, Fortune410 knows a lot about the BII stuff. Send him a PM and he'll be able to help you better than I can.

84-85 BII = carb, single low pressure pump in the tank.
86-88 BII = EFI with a dual pump setup. The "boost" puim pof low pressure pump is mounted in the tank, with a high pressure pump mounted onteh frame rail
89-90 BII = EFI, had a single pump setup with a single high pressure pump in the tank (just like an Explorer)

So you can get the tank from any year BII, but in order to retain the single pump system for your Explorer you will want to install a new 89-90 BII pump.

RockRanger is putting a BII tank in his 4.0L powered Ranger, his conversion will be identical to yours as far as the pump setup and extending the fuel lines, etc.

Search for his thread.
Fitting it under the floor in your cargo area is another story. A body lift will help, or just raising the floor of your cargo area, as I explained in my PM to you.

You are not the first to do this, so I suggest you search on this forum and others.

ranger is higher because of the 3" BL that the ranger has






:eek: better not sneeze that thing might fall over

wow i want one

ya know hte scary thing, the size tires that are on the transport rims come out to 30.4" tall, and thats what both trucks are sittin on

heh, if i was bored, i would try to swap out the tires on those rims so i could drive it around a little, if i could find some old 35s to cram on thier, those tires look like car tires in person

wow those are hudge...i want one

just wait till it gets on its normal driving tires :) , those are just for transport, i swear, there is enough stuff under this truck im thinkin bout callin the truck "jungle gym", like 10lbs of stuff in a 5lb explorer

heh, sometimes i wonder how the hell immmmmm gonna get in the truck, and im 6'5

wow it is just so big i also want to know how u will get into it lol

prolly some dropdown step like a kodiak step, a lower nerf bar, or a small kickout thats bolted to the frame

hey, whats a good price for a 302, lookin online and have seen prices from $350 to 850 for strong running efi to 1400 for a rebuilt, already lookin/plannin for stage 4 :)


so when are the big tires going on? maby a extractable stair well to get up...lol. So the V8 swap is due when?

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