George Washington Nat'l Forest - Fall 2010 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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George Washington Nat'l Forest - Fall 2010


August 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Alexandria, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Eddie
Anyone planning on hitting-up the GW Nat'l Forest over the next month or two? I finally got my Eddie and have been looking for a chance to head to the trails. I, myself, am not planning on anything crazy since I'm currently stock. I will, however, have the TT & shackles done prior to going.

Who's game?

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I may be interestd. Fishfood may also be interested. It would be better to go before hunting "gun" season.

My facorite is Stoney Run (Big Levels). If you are really in to it Shoe Creek is close to Stoney Run.

When does hunting season start?

I don't mind which trail we hit, although I'd prefer one that my mostly stock rig could handle. How is Peters Mill Run? It's only 1:45 from me.

i would be interested in tagging along if i can get my truck on the road by then, but the list of to do's is still pretty long :rolleyes:

N83---how often do you get out on your buell?do you ride local or is it a track bike?

N83---how often do you get out on your buell?do you ride local or is it a track bike?

Up until a month ago it was my daily driver, so quite a bit. Unfortunately, being on it that much made me less likely to ride it for fun. I'm hoping that having something else to commute in will make me enjoy riding it again! I need to take her into the mountains again before it gets too cold!

Up until a month ago it was my daily driver, so quite a bit. Unfortunately, being on it that much made me less likely to ride it for fun. I'm hoping that having something else to commute in will make me enjoy riding it again! I need to take her into the mountains again before it gets too cold!

prob not a whole lot of nice riding days left this year.i've been working on my wheeler so much these last couple of months i've missed most of this year's riding season.the one time i did get out for a ride a couple of sundays ago i got a speeding ticket :mad: if you see a charcoal gray triumph daytona 675 on the street with my screen name on the tag ,that's me.we'll have to go for a ride sometime :cool:

aszman, I'll keep an eye out for sure!

Alright guys, I still don't know when hunting season starts, but a Jeep buddy of mine and I plan on hitting the trails the weekend of November 13-14th. I can always go before then, but my weekends are a bit busier.

Either way, I should have enough time to finish my TT and shackles in addition to installing a CB.

Did you guys ever decide on anything? Im in Harrisonburg and would like to test out my "new" explorer if i get the 4X4 working this weekend.

Well, unclemeat hasn't said yet when hunting season starts, so I don't know what his and his buddy's deadline is. I, however, will be going the weekend of (probably the Saturday) Nov 13-14th with my Jeep buddy.

You're more than welcome to come along!

Wow! I haven't been on this forum or gone on a run in a while (at least 5 years) I'm down. I just put new tires and ball joints on my rig and would love to take it for a run. Good to see you're still into it Unclemeat.


'92 X, 3" body, 6" Suspension, 35x12.50R15 Maxis Big horns, blah blah blah...

Great, we'd love to have another!

My buddy and I settled on Sunday the 14th, so that's our go date. We're still working on a location, though. I'm thinking either Peter's Mill Run (near Edinburg) or Rocky Run (near Harrisonburg). I have zero experience with either, but I've been watching some Youtube videos and it looks like Rocky Run would be more fun. Can anyone chime-in on either location?

Seems some kind of Deer season is in now, either Bow, Muzzle loader. The most hunted days will start Nov 13 in Va.
Scroll down the link to the colored bar codes.
If you go those days, I'd paint my truck fluorescent Orange ha ha.

Haha, interesting...

I'm sure we won't have much to worry about if we're in a National Forest, am I right?

Haha, interesting...

I'm sure we won't have much to worry about if we're in a National Forest, am I right?

I detect a little nerviness there. Many years ago I used to hunt the GWNF and it is heavily hunted. Including non-residents from surrounding states because Va. Deer season comes in before theirs. Like Md and WV.

But really needs someone who lives there and possibly hunts there to chime in. Personally I would not go wheeling there during the rifle season, if in fact it is still open to public hunting.
Some disgruntled deer hunter might just put a hole in your radiator if you spook a buck from him.
Not trying to scar you further, but if you also hear Banjo music playing...I'd pack up and leave real quick. :p:

Went to Peter's Mill this weekend and did the whole 6 mile stretch no problem. Camped out and everything. Hunters can't do their thing near the trails so the only worries is the ATVs and Motorbikes. Ran into a lot of them this weekend and all were very friendly and respectful as long as you are as well. I wouldn't recommend stocker's or anything smaller then a 31x11.50. Also you will need 4x4 and low range on some of the climbs. Here is a link to the rules, where to get permits, etc. Washington#

Went to Peter's Mill this weekend and did the whole 6 mile stretch no problem. Camped out and everything. Hunters can't do their thing near the trails so the only worries is the ATVs and Motorbikes. Ran into a lot of them this weekend and all were very friendly and respectful as long as you are as well. I wouldn't recommend stocker's or anything smaller then a 31x11.50. Also you will need 4x4 and low range on some of the climbs. Here is a link to the rules, where to get permits, etc.

Sounds like a great time! However, as to your suggestion on no stockers, I won't have the privelege of a little lift for this trip. I think that I want to hit a trail without anything first and then figure out what, if anything, I'm going to add to the Eddie. I'm also having difficulty WANTING to mess around with suspension that has over 223K miles and several midwest winters on it.

Also, I have heard of other guys taking stock rigs to the trails in the GWNF, but I can't remember if it was in fact Peters Mill or Rocky Run.

That said, I guess the particular trail has yet to be decided. Who all is planning on going Sunday, and do you have a preference? Since I haven't been to either, I wouldn't know of a good location for everyone to meet. How about some suggestions! :thumbsup:

Any of you VA Exploder enthusiast still interested in a run??? If not I'm going on my own again. LOL. Let me know guys... I'm down for this weekend or next and I'm def. camping! :thumbsup:

Any of you VA Exploder enthusiast still interested in a run??? If not I'm going on my own again. LOL. Let me know guys... I'm down for this weekend or next and I'm def. camping! :thumbsup:

Yes! As stated before, my Jeep buddy and I are both going no matter what. We're doing Peters Mill Run on Sunday- not sure on a time yet. I think we'll leave DC around 9am and get to Harrisonburg around 11am. Have you done the trail yet? We'll meet you somewhere if you just tell us where.

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wish i could make it out there but it looks like i'll be working on the truck again this weekend , hopefully i can make it to a local spot for a little bit of wheelin.

have fun :burnout:
