Glamis in February | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Glamis in February


I found this just a couple of minutes ago while looking over the Ex. Now I just need to find someone to weld it up before tomorrow...:rolleyes:


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I've used Mean Genes (sp?) down at Glamis to weld up a cracked TTB. Cost me $20 for the weld.. well worth the money..


Wowzers -- I've never seen that before.

....dang should have got a ranger...:p:

Almost all better!!!

It ended up being a little worse than I first thought, but it's all welded up. I just can't hit any more big rocks with it for a while...:rolleyes:

Cyber do you already have a ride??? If not send me your address and I'll swing by and get ya in the morning...:thumbsup:


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Wow Boomer, that looked nasty, but glad you got it welded up. When i first saw the pic i was waiting to read that you weren't going to make glamis.

So as far as where we're going, does anyone have detailed directions? I know to go past where the 78 starts, but after that....??

the day after tomorrow :cool:

cyber, you get your check?

goblin, you get your "new" arrival?

YUP!!!:D I sure did hehe. I am gonna try and make it out but I found out I am not supposed to get off work till 4:30 on sat. I thought I was getting off at 2 but not now. If I go I wount be out there till like around 8pm.:(

Wow Boomer, that looked nasty, but glad you got it welded up. When i first saw the pic i was waiting to read that you weren't going to make glamis.

So as far as where we're going, does anyone have detailed directions? I know to go past where the 78 starts, but after that....??

Gonna have to ask RJ since he the leader this time:p:

YUP!!!:D I sure did hehe. I am gonna try and make it out but I found out I am not supposed to get off work till 4:30 on sat. I thought I was getting off at 2 but not now. If I go I wount be out there till like around 8pm.:(

Well James better late than never;)

I believe there's a AM/PM off of Waterman Ave on the south side of the freeway.

sounds good. we're gonna try to leave lakewood about 10am and should take us about an hour to an hour n a half to get to the 10/215. we'll give you a call when we leave

just talked to Jim. the way in the second link i just posted is the best way there. give us a call when your in Brawley :thumbsup:

sounds good. we're gonna try to leave lakewood about 10am and should take us about an hour to an hour n a half to get to the 10/215. we'll give you a call when we leave

Then you might wanna swing up this way. Since Boomer coming by to pick me up about 10 am before heading to Glamis:thumbsup::D

Alright cool. Is the glamis store easy to see from the 78? Is there a landmark so i know i haven't passed it?

it will take me 2.5 hours to get to the store. That is a long dirve in my new Arival.:D There isn't any sound dedining in it. :D My new rig os all business. hehe. I guess I will see how well it does on a long drive. :D
Here is a hint on what the new arival is..........


i may not be making it out now. just went to pick up my truck, and several things weren't done right, so its back in the body shop.

The shop says they're done again. I'll see tomorrow.:rolleyes:
They got supposedly have the tailgate aligned correctly now, but I don't think they could have gotten the ride bedside straightened out though.:scratch::dunno:

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Is there a gas station out there? Just wondering, cuz the goblin's gas mileage makes the mountaineer's look good :(
