Good switch panel option for 2nd Gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Good switch panel option for 2nd Gen


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
I actually bought this for my F -150, but would be a great option for 2nd Gen Explorers and Rangers.



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I actually bought this for my F -150, but would be a great option for 2nd Gen Explorers and Rangers.

View attachment 459680

Looks nice! For those w the high series console I cut out the cubby (or if you have the message center same thing) and put switch panel there.

How brite are the lights when switched on?

Good to see these panels they are needed for all of our modern accessories

It has a automatic dimmer based on light conditions. Also customizable with the App, where you can change colors (RGB) set for on/off, momentary, or strobe. Also group lights together. Available in 4, 6 and 8 switch in this slim form or traditional grid.

Single wire to the control box under the hood where you wire everything too, vs in out of the cab with a million wires.

It has a automatic dimmer based on light conditions. Also customizable with the App, where you can change colors (RGB) set for on/off, momentary, or strobe. Also group lights together. Available in 4, 6 and 8 switch in this slim form or traditional grid.

Single wire to the control box under the hood where you wire everything too, vs in out of the cab with a million wires.
Might actually get that for the Ranger.......... since the Explorer has spaghetti through the firewall. Now if only Ford would clean up their wiring under the hood haha looks like a nest in some places

Very cool! I know with lots of aftermarket switches the dang leds are so brite I have to make sure not to
Mount them in drivers field of view. Dimmer and color options are huge plus here

Thanks for sharing! Always cool to be up on new tech without having to go to sema each year (yuck) hahahaha
