GPS with "X" on Navigation, no longer functioning | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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GPS with "X" on Navigation, no longer functioning


May 1, 2016
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2012 explorer limited 4wd
The battery died on my 2012 Limited. Replaced battery. Now the GPS does not function.

The compass is stuck on "N".
The car location is not accurate. It places me in a field, with occasional motion that is far off from my actual location.
The GPS indicator on the map has a "X" over the font.

I have tried to drain the capacitors. I have re-connected the battery. I have reset the Nav system. I have pulled the card out. All have not worked.

Any ideas?

When you change the battery it is recommended that you also reset/update the BMS (Battery Maintenance System) otherwise it will retain all the previous info as to age etc. Have you tried doing a Master Reset?
Battery Replacement / Upgrade - Battery Re-Learn


Whenever I need to disconnect the car's battery cables for any reason, I always attach a 12 volt motorcycle battery with small jumper cables directly to the main battery cables of my car BEFORE disconnecting the main battery cables.
This simple action will preserve ALL your car's settings since your car won't know the main battery has been disconnected.

Whenever I need to disconnect the car's battery cables for any reason, I always attach a 12 volt motorcycle battery with small jumper cables directly to the main battery cables of my car BEFORE disconnecting the main battery cables.
This simple action will preserve ALL your car's settings since your car won't know the main battery has been disconnected.
This works if you don’t have a BCM controlled system. In these new cars and trucks the condition of the battery is always monitored. If you replace the battery as O P did you need the reset BCM system to show a new battery. Take a glance at post Peter referenced about it.
