Completed Project - Great Pumpkin Solid Axle Swap 1993 Ford Explorer XL Rick Horwitz | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Completed Project Great Pumpkin Solid Axle Swap 1993 Ford Explorer XL Rick Horwitz

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Thanks for the reply Rick.

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Just thought I'd post an update to this thread. It's been about 2 - 1/2 years since the coilover conversion and about 5 years since I had the Dana 44 swapped in.

Total carnage so far (Best as I can remember)... If there's more go ahead and remind me.

2 - broken track bar mounts (mount is now redesigned)
2 - bent tie rods
1 - broken tie rod end
1 - damaged hydraulic ram
3 - badly worn ball joints
1 - blown hub
1- broken suspension bolt
1- bent suspension bolt

Not too bad considering what it's been through.

Trails since the SAS.
Terminator (several times)
Rawdeal (several times)
Judgement Day (several times)
Martinez Canyon
Coke Ovens
Crown King (several times)
Los Coyotes
Truck Haven (several times)
Behind the Rocks
Golden Spike (4 times)
Hells Revenge
and others...

Not that I haven't had other breakage!

I've been through 3 rear drive shafts:eek: I don't want to jinx myself, but I've been having good luck with a 1350 Billet Steel pinion yoke from Mark Williams racing and a .250 wall driveshaft from High Angle Drivelines. I've dragged the new shaft over some nasty stuff and it's got a lot of scratches, but no dents so far.

Very nice truck Rick, I'm just curious, did you go up that section in Hells Revenge where all you can see is the sky and the spotter has to tell you where to go?
I just watched 4X4 TV and they did an episode on Hells Revenge.

off-road97Xplor said:
Very nice truck Rick, I'm just curious, did you go up that section in Hells Revenge where all you can see is the sky and the spotter has to tell you where to go?
I just watched 4X4 TV and they did an episode on Hells Revenge.

No, but Gerald has in his '99 Eddie Bauer Edition with IFS and all!


Yes sir..thats a nice rig you have there Rick......Shucks....everytime I see someone from Arizona I get much wheeling around that area!!!...Oh yea..I like the licorice stick drive shaft!!!!!.... :D

Amazing car, another question, whats your daily driver car?

I drive an '03 Dodge Ram Dualie and my wife drives an '03 Mach 1.

The Pumpkin sure has come a long way. Looks good as usual. :cool:

BTW Rick, did you ever get those new tires on the Mach 1?

New street tires yes. Nitto 555s. No slicks or drag radials yet.

Here's my latest upgrade. I had FST move my hydraulic ram up higher to keep it out of harms way. Somehow it managed to survive 4 or 5 years down low, but I finally nailed a boulder with the ram and it cost me $200 to replace it.

My tie-rod is now made of aluminum instead of Chrome Moly. I bent 3 or 4 of the thick wall Chrome Moly tie-rods. The aluminum is supposed to spring back to it's original shape after hitting or laying on a boulder. We'll see...


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Whens the 5.0 ho going in? I think the 4.0 is the only thing stock still?

That and the tranny :D

hey Rick just wondering, how much PSI is ur hydro pump putting out (if u know) ?

I think it's 1500psi.

Note!!! Mounting the hydraulic assist ram up on the draglink was a BAD idea... After 5 or 6 years of abuse my passenger side knuckle finally broke... On the first time out with the newly relocated ram. Of course it happened during a night run at 10:30... That just makes swapping knuckles that much more fun ;) Thank goodness I carry spares!

Back to the drawing board... It needs to be mounted to the tie-rod like it was before, but it a better location. Trouble is, the way things are setup, now there isn't much room:rolleyes:. I'm sure we'll figure something out. Stay tuned :D

Broken Knuckle

The broken knuckle...............


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Thanks for posting the pic. I'm still bummed I forgot to bring my camera last night :banghead:
