greetings from UNITED STATES NAVAL BASE CHICAGO,IL | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
October 12, 2000
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Mesa ,AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 sport
haven't been on here in awhile , ive been without my truck for 2 months and im not going to for several more months because im going over seas to :shoot: so i haven't visited nor had the chance to get on the internet . Just stopping by to say hi to everyone .

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Hey Clint where is the US Naval base in Chicago? I used to live down the road from the Glenview Naval Air Base outside of Chicago, but never heard of another one.

Be safe!


BTW, did you see the Arizona Run thread? We had 20 Explorers out here and about 40 people at our house for dinner last Saturday night!

He's at Great Lakes Naval Training Center Rick. That's the OTHER one. It's up in North Chicago, north of Lake Forest.

Ahh ok, Great Lakes. That's a name I recognize. We used to party in Highwood all the time :D:chug:

Man Clint I was wondering what the hell happened to ya. I'm glad to know your ok. I hope all goes well and I wish Ya good luck. Also just wanted to Thankyou for doing what your doin.

yeah im at NTC waiting for my A school to start in pensecola ,FL im going to be a (AW) aviation warfare systems operator and my squadron is a antisubmarine helo(helicopter) squad so i should have some fun !!! but all this schooling for it is getting old and im missing driving my X around but i have to wait untill one 6 month deployment aboard the USSN GOERGE WASHINGTON then i can get shore duty and bring my X there otherwise it's six months out to sea six months shore for 2 years then i can get new orders .


I am in Gurnee, if you have some time and want to chill shoot me an e-mail or call my cell and leave a message 847-902-0043

sorry im in pesecola already :(

10" body lift....where can I get that kit?:p
