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Hand Throttle!

I'd like to Bill......but my trucks in the shop right now.

I will as soon as I get it back and if Rick or anyone hasn't helped you out yet.

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I put a hand throttle in my Zuk too. what works really well is a Shimano Mountain bike shifter. I have one of the old SIS indexing shifters installed. Cost me about $6 from a bike store with cable. I mounted it on my gearshift. I'll get ya pix in a little while.

Here's a pix of mine. The Sammy gas pedal/throttle cable is setup different than the X, so my hookup is different. The sammy gas pedal has a cable attached to an arm at the top of the pedal. My cable attaches there, so when I use the hand throttle, it's actually pulling the pedal down. For the Explorers, the cable it comes with has a round lead piece on the end that probably could be piggybacked on the existing cable at the throttle plate under the hood by clamping it on with a small hose clamp.


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Well, I found the pic I need while searching for something completely different. It was in a thread about Atlas T-cases, and the pic is Rick's.


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Well there ya go!!!:D Thats exactly the same way I did mine.
