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For Sale HD Motor Mounts

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Hey Brian, did you sell that last set of mounts?

If not, send me a PM. I'll take the motor and trans mounts

Still have any sets left?
Looking for motor and trans mounts.

By any chance would you be developing any motor mounts for the 99 4.0 Brian?

Any updates on when you'll have a set ready?

By any chance would you be developing any motor mounts for the 99 4.0 Brian?

No, sorry.

(01 BoostedXPLR Sport 4.0 SOHC) Whhyy not? And your trans mount looks like the same one thats in my 01 Sport. Do you have any of those trans mounts left or on the way or in fab? How much do they go for?

(01 BoostedXPLR Sport 4.0 SOHC) Whhyy not? And your trans mount looks like the same one thats in my 01 Sport. Do you have any of those trans mounts left or on the way or in fab? How much do they go for?

They are $68+ shipping (around $10-12). I'm not sure if they fit the 01s so cross-reference your part with the 91-94 trans mount. I do have a few ready to ship.

Well its almost definitive that the part numbers for 91-94 are different for the 01-03 sports. The best bet would be to look at pictures of both of them to compare and decide or see them in person or find out from somebody who knows for sure. Are they for both the v6 ohv and v8 ohv?

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Well its almost definitive that the part numbers for 91-94 are different for the 01-03 sports. The best bet would be to look at pictures of both of them to compare and decide or see them in person or find out from somebody who knows for sure. Are they for both the v6 ohv and v8 ohv?

Compare the V6 trans mounts for 97-01's, versus 95/96 parts. The same V6 went in all of them from 91-01, but the transmission changed in 1995 to the 4R44E, and in 97 to the 5R55E. The difference would be from 94 to 95, the new version trans, cousin/similar, but did they change the mount itself or the cross member. The Explorer frames are mighty close from 91-94 versus 95-01, but the cross member is still likely different. Ford likes to redesign parts even if they don't need to.
