Heads off (again), now what? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heads off (again), now what?


April 25, 2014
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer XLT 4WD
I had to have the head gasket in my '94 Explorer replaced last November, after my less then two year old radiator blew. Then I had the heater hoses blow and ended up with two cracked heads, one may have been cracked from before the previous head gasket change. Then a week and a half after I had the heads and gaskets replaced, the passenger head gasket blew again. The mechanic that did the last head/head gasket replacement insists that I have a warped block. However, another mechanic showed me where he believes a head was dropped on the head gasket, crushing the metal 'O' ring that seals around the top of the cylinder.

I am going to check for block warpage once I can get my hands on a straight enough straight edge. (Although, I am wondering if a carpenter's square would be accurate enough.) If it is still good, I am going to have the engine put back together.

The question that I have is, what should I consider doing or checking while I have it apart?

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I am going to check for block warpage once I can get my hands on a straight enough straight edge. (Although, I am wondering if a carpenter's square would be accurate enough.) If it is still good, I am going to have the engine put back together.

Carpenters square won't work. You really should use something called a "Machinist Straight Edge Ruler".

It much more accurate.

I would have the block and heads milled no matter what..and make sure they are not re-using old TTY head bolts and are tq them properly. .also use the super duty gaskets from felpro, they have a SD on the end of the part number

I would have both the heads and block checked for warping, Buy new head gaskets AND bolts that way you know the quality and have them installed if you dont want to do it yourself

This was disappointing to find.
I am going to try and get a clearer image tomorrow. I have also located an engine with only 61K on it. As much as I would like to keep my original engine, a find like that makes it hard.

May be my phone but pic aint showing up.what year is the replacement motor?? 61k is rare for a first gen, especially when most first gens dont show over a 100,000 on the odometer...ask what the engine stamp says (IE 90TM,93TM,95TM,97TM,98TM)

The salvage yard selling the engine claims that it does only have 61K miles and that they cannot read the engine stamp. They also let me know that it is going to cost me an extra $100 if I don't bring them a core. I had thoughts of dropping the used engine in to get the truck up and running while I rebuild the old engine to look something like this http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337305. (Nod to JD4242, I like what you did here.)

P.S. JD4242, can you see the image now?

I find that hard to believe on the mileage as well. 91-mid93 models only had a 5 digit odometer. Some mid 93 and most 94's had the 6 digit odometer, although I have seen 94's with a 5 digit odometer.

If you can get the whole motor for a few hundred bucks go for it. I have seen motors on fleabay selling for 150 to 200 dollars. I didn't catch the mileage, just scrolling by and saw the price.

The salvage yard selling the engine claims that it does only have 61K miles and that they cannot read the engine stamp. They also let me know that it is going to cost me an extra $100 if I don't bring them a core. I had thoughts of dropping the used engine in to get the truck up and running while I rebuild the old engine to look something like this http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=337305. (Nod to JD4242, I like what you did here.)

P.S. JD4242, can you see the image now?
Yea I can see them and that dont look good.for only a $100 core I would keep it for sure.
lol thanks man, thats my old build.here is the new motor build:salute:

I was talking with a friend an he mentioned that their might be some damage on the head above the damaged piston. I don't know why I didn't think of that, lack of experience I guess. Will I was look at them I found something else that I thought was strange and I took better pictures of the piston.

First off the piston:



Second the head above the damaged piston:


And now for the strangeness. Someone ground the model numbers off the heads:



The letters and numbers seem to read "TAE-98TM" Any ideas on why someone would do this? The grinding looks pretty fresh so I would think that it was either the machine shop or the garage that I had replace them.

Edit: Switched photos to PhotoBucket

Cant see the pictures again.but if its the original block it should be 93tm heads.odd someone would grind the numbers off tho.if it is the original block and the pistons are from a 93tm and you do have 98tm heads then your running higher compression than stock 10:1

I was talking with a friend an he mentioned that their might be some damage on the head above the damaged piston. I don't know why I didn't think of that, lack of experience I guess. Will I was look at them I found something else that I thought was strange and I took better pictures of the piston.

First off the piston:



Second the head above the damaged piston:


And now for the strangeness. Someone ground the model numbers off the heads:



The letters and numbers seem to read "TAE-98TM" Any ideas on why someone would do this? The grinding looks pretty fresh so I would think that it was either the machine shop or the garage that I had replace them.

Fixed the image links. *EDIT* Hmmm, only the first 2 work. The links are bad for the rest.
Here's the link to his full library:

Yea those definitely are 98 tm heads and 93 tm postons with 93 tm exhaust manifold. The took the number off because they were the wrong heads.that combo equals 10:1 and is a fast burn head.90+ gas should have been ran in it

I wonder if they pulled the octane or spout connector? ?

Yea those definitely are 98 tm heads and 93 tm postons with 93 tm exhaust manifold. The took the number off because they were the wrong heads.that combo equals 10:1 and is a fast burn head.90+ gas should have been ran in it

I wonder if they pulled the octane or spout connector? ?

Tell what/where to check and I will try to get pictures.

Its a grey plug between fuse box and firewall.I dont have a picture but if you search on here a couple will come up.

No photo of the octane/spout plug, but I did get the photos switched over to my sparkling new Photo Bucket account. Thanks JD4242, Photo Bucket is so much better.

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