Heavy Duty Headlight Wiring Harness Installation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heavy Duty Headlight Wiring Harness Installation


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
Based on a desire for brighter lights, I decided to install a heavy-duty headlight wiring harness on my ‘99. Currently I am running Silver Star 9007 bulbs. I decided to try this harness with the Silver Stars to see what improvement in light output would result; further, it also gives me the potential to run higher wattage lamps.

I ordered the harness from http://www.suvlights.com/; the cost was only $43 with shipping to my door. I admit I was skeptical about ordering from a company that does not accept credit cards ( but remembered what a great company Zaino is ). I find Pay Pal a royal pain in the arse. But all went well and I got an E Mail confirmation about the order as well as shipping info. The link to USPS for tracking is a joke; the same message appeared every day with no delivery date; further, the company never answers their e mail.. My package finally arrived 19 days later.

This is undeniably a quality built harness as evidenced from the photograph ( the actual harness is slightly different ), as well as the excellent construction. The harness includes the following:

(2) 30 amp relays
Fusible link
14 heavy gauge automotive wiring in wire loom
Male connector to plug into existing headlight socket
(2) New headlight sockets

There were no instructions whatsoever included; as promised on their website,. However, their website has the instructions online. They are not really needed.

The harness gets power directly from the truck’s battery eliminating voltage drops and improving headlight system reliability

Installation is really straightforward; no cutting and splicing are required. The first step is to lay out the harness in the manner that it will be installed. A suitable location to mount the relays was chosen and they were attached behind the battery. Then the 9007 bulb sockets were attached to the Silver Star bulbs and the ground leads were attached to existing screws near the headlight. Then the male socket was connected to the original wire harness. Next, the 12 v power leads were attached directly to the battery. The final installation step was to “neat up” the wire runs and secure with tie wraps.

Total installation time was less than 15 minutes. The most time consuming part was the connection at the battery.

Visually, there is an apparent improvement in the brilliance of the lights in the daylight’ will test them on the road tonight. This project was money well spent and recommended to anyone who wants better light output in his or her truck. I would, however, try to find another supplier for the harness.

The next step will be to try higher wattage bulbs…..


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Al, I have been meaning to let you guys know a little something about the high watt bulbs. They dont seem to last very long. About six to nine months is as long as I have had any last. Since I have to remove the battery to change them its a PIA. I went back to the PIAA superwhites.
A little off subject but I have found, at least to my old eyes, that any bulbs over 3800 K color really fade out in the rain. I have some 6000K HID in my car and they suck in the rain also. The X lights are better than the Cads. HID. Go figure...
Anyway, now with the high power harness you will be getting all the watts out of your bulbs. Usually about a 20% or more increase.

Bill, thanks for the heads up. However, after the little night run I just did, I will stick with my Silver Stars. The light outpit with the harness is amazing. Definately money well spent.

It is a "universal" kit though you might think it is custom for a Explorer; the fit is excellent.

Does anyone know where to get this harness from a place that does take credit cards?

I'm not sure I understand how you can have a improvement in brillance from using the same bulb, but a different harness. I understand that the harness allows you to run a higher wattage bulb. But with the same bulb, it would seem that the bulbs max wattage would still be the same.

I can say, the higher output bulbs don't last as long, and with the regular bulbs i noticed little difference with the wiring harness. If yer going to run the stock equivelent bulbs, it's not worth it, but if yer running hight wattage bulbs, it is worth it.

Originally posted by LStoudenmire
I'm not sure I understand how you can have a improvement in brillance from using the same bulb, but a different harness. I understand that the harness allows you to run a higher wattage bulb. But with the same bulb, it would seem that the bulbs max wattage would still be the same.

It has to do with the better wiring allowing the full voltage to the bulb.

The following is from their website:

>>Boost the performance of your headlights by increasing the voltage to them. Especially for high wattage halogen bulbs, but will improve any bulb by 50% or more plus increase the white light component. <<

I assure you that the results are well worth the cost of this mod.

Looks like this place takes credit cards.
Dead Link Removed
A 1/2 volt loss = a 100 watt bulb performing like a 80 watt bulb. Light bulbs are rated at 13.5 volts. I dont think you have 13.5 volts at the headlight connections on an X. A 55 watt bulb acts like a 45 watt bulb with a 1/2 volt drop.
With the high power harness you will have 14 or more volts at the headlight connection. This is going to make your lights noticably brighter.

there is a bit of price difference, should i be worried about the quality of the one bill posted compared tot he one aldive bought?

Your last link does not work.

Thanks for posting the others, great stuff there.

Just got in from a ride out in the country ( real dark roads ) to a friends ranch and the light output from the Silver Stars with the new harness is incredable.

Now the fogs, which I run with both the low beams as well as the huughs really look weak and YELLOW. Never noticed it bwdorew the harness.

Gotta do something to remedy this......

Originally posted by Bill Kemp
Looks like this place takes credit cards.
Dead Link Removed

I ordered these... not the same thing :mad:
They are only a conection to the bulb with three wires comming from it... not the diagram that this post was originally started. I'll be sending it back, still looking for the harness...


glad you can see better now.

i bought some h3 bulbs from suvlights.com. i was NOT at all pleased with the shipping [they sure bend you over], i think iwas charged like 6.95 and it was marked like 1.32 by usps. i AGREE the usps tracking link is bullcrap!
the length of time it took me to get the product [17 days] is ridiculous. they took my money in about 15 minutes.

i just recently ordered some h4 [mercedes euro-lights] relays from daniel stern lighting.
everything looks top notch. you don't get any wire and have to assemble them yourself.

i am wanting to run some 85/110 watt hella [yellow bulb] yellow stars. i don't want to fry anything and want them to glow as brightly as possible.

just waiting for my mechanic to feel better.


I recently installed an electric cooling fan ( Dead Link Removed ) and can report that with this wiring harness, there is no dimming of the lights nor any strain on the electrical system.

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Originally posted by aldive
...and can report that with this wiring harness, there is no dimming of the lights nor any strain on the electrical system.
I am curious to know how you measured this. Call me skeptical, but I find it hard to believe that a larger harness provides less resistance, enough to increase the voltage flow to your lights, thus making them brighter. Even if you increased your voltage to the lights by 1/10 of one volt due to a larger harness, which is a LOT, the resultant light output would be barely perceptible. More than likely it's in the millivolt range, which is totally negligible.

Did you measure the voltage across the lights before and after, or...?
