Hello from Alaska | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hello from Alaska


October 16, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Wasilla, Alaska
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT
My name is Noah and I live in Wasilla, Alaska. I recently traded in my wifes PT cruiser for a silver 2004 XLT. I have added a 12 inch Rockford Fosgate P2 sub, Rockford Fosgate power series 6x8s all around, and a rockford fosgate prime amp to power the speakers and a punch amp to power the subs. I have a Clarion Max385vd double din as the head unit. I plan on getting the road bully lift, and some descent looking tires to make it look a little more aggressive.

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My name is Noah and I live in Wasilla, Alaska. I recently traded in my wifes PT cruiser for a silver 2004 XLT. I have added a 12 inch Rockford Fosgate P2 sub, Rockford Fosgate power series 6x8s all around, and a rockford fosgate prime amp to power the speakers and a punch amp to power the subs. I have a Clarion Max385vd double din as the head unit. I plan on getting the road bully lift, and some descent looking tires to make it look a little more aggressive.

Greetings. I never would have heard of Wasilla if it wasn't for that nutbar of a Governor you guys have. :D

You've come to the best Explorer resource on the www. Take of your coat and stay a while. :thumbsup:

She is out there

Yeah she is really good friends with my parents from her daughter being friends with my little sister. She seems like a cool person when she is not dealing with politics, but when politics come up she sounds a little crazy. I voted Obama anyways so it doesn't hurt my feelings that she lost.

Welcome to this forum! I'm surprised that you didn't vote for her if she's a friend of the family. She might get insulted if she would find out, so we're not going to tell her. It will be our secret.:shifty_ey

My parents have told her that even though she is a great family friend, our views differ from hers.

Yeah she is really good friends with my parents from her daughter being friends with my little sister. She seems like a cool person when she is not dealing with politics, but when politics come up she sounds a little crazy. I voted Obama anyways so it doesn't hurt my feelings that she lost.

I agree that she seems like a nice person, but the thought of someone like her running the free world is frightening. I laughed hard when those two French Canadian DJs called her up pretending to be the French (as in France) Prime Minister. She bought their gag hook, line and sinker despite the fact it was obvious she was being had. That spoke volumes.

She sounds like she should stick to what she's doing let her 15 minutes of national fame fade away gracefully. :D

