help dont know what to do next trying to fix slipping gears | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help dont know what to do next trying to fix slipping gears


New Member
June 12, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ford explorer 4x4
Ok i don't know much about mechanics other than what info i learned from do it myself jobs & from asking others what their opinions are, and internet. i have 95 ford explorer 4x4 and its been having difficulties shifting from 2nd and 3rd while driving.And the speedometer gets stuck at 50mph or wont read at all or bounces crazy. sometimes it just revs up to 5 or 6rpms b4 i can get it to shift into next gear. most times i just have to take foot off gas and let it slow way down b4 it shifts. also O/D light blinking on & off. i was told it was my speed sensor witch i replaced with a new one - still does same thing EXCEPT the o/d light went off and hasn't came back on -yet.. . also was told to replace thermostat for what ever reason - did that - still same - don't really got the money to take it to a shop & let them check it out- live in a small town and only place that would look at it says it'd b 100$ just for them to look at it and give me their opinion. i took it to a auto zone and asked if they could test the computer with their reader thingy and they said the port was out-dated their tester wouldn't hook up to my port. [probably because it was a free test they didn't want to come out in the heat to check unless i had bought something first] i know i probably shouldn't bag on them but come on i was told it should of worked (don't really know) even internet said it should of worked. but i was hoping that i could get answers here or at least some advice.

Those auto zone type scanners only work on OBD2 (1996 and later -- I don't remember whether the Explorer had it early or not), and only for PCM codes -- they can't read codes from the trans or other modules. It probably wouldn't have helped even if they did try to scan it.

The speed sensor was a good thing to check. I would have started with that too. I am assuming that you have already verified that the fluid level is right and in good condition.

Most likely you are in need of some transmission service. You really need a good transmission shop to check it out. Dig through the old threads here and in the transmission forum and you might find enough information to do something with it.

You might need valve body work, maybe blown separator plate gasket. Or shift solenoid, wiring, could be a lot of things. Get the codes if possible.
