HELP! Hard start/fuel smell/P0171-P0174 problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HELP! Hard start/fuel smell/P0171-P0174 problem


Active Member
December 25, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Sport
I need some help ladies and gentlemen.

My initial problem was as follow in the order the symptoms occurred:
-Bad fuel economy
-Hard to start (required several seconds/pedal pumps to start)
-Smell of gasoline
-P0171 & P0174 codes (Lean condition banks 1 and 2)
-Miss fires

At this point i pulled the intake and replaced the fuel injectors and cleaned the intake runners and replaced the PVC hose elbow as it had a crack in it. Current symptoms are as follows:

-Hard to start
-VERY strong fuel smell, stronger than before, but no visible leaks
-Slight improvement in power, but delayed
-Slight improvement in fuel economy.
-P0171 & P0174 codes constant (lean condition banks 1 and 2)
-No misfires

I know i have an EVAP problem, but i don't have the tools to diagnose. I have legal action against the nearby Ford dealership, so i'm a bit remise to take it to them for help (they ruined paint on another vehicle of mine and are refusing to fix it.)

Please help, i have spent 2 days using the search function and have as many more questions as answers.

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Hard to start, no power, bad fuel economy... makes me think the timing is off. Have you put a timing light on it?

Sounds like your PCV elbow is cracked. Thats really common on these engines and something a lot of us have had to replace. The good news is that its fairly inexpensive. Check out this thread:

Also, generally it's hard to see the crack in the elbow until after it's removed which for me removing led to more damage.

At this point i pulled the intake and replaced the fuel injectors and cleaned the intake runners and replaced the PVC hose elbow as it had a crack in it.
MAF sensor tested, cleaned, or replaced?

Whoops I missed that part.

So I found the cracked EGR hose elbow and the MAF has been cleaned. At this point the truck has gotten plugs, wires, injectors, air filter, fuel filter, PVC elbow/hose, and i feel like i've got most of the power back and no more check engine light or fuel smell.

The truck still starts hard, several seconds of cranking, but at this point i've probably used the starter with the truck lacking fuel pressure for so long that it's on it's last leg.
