Help I can't remove my broken antenna on my '95 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help I can't remove my broken antenna on my '95 explorer


September 18, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Berkeley, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
I'll try to describe what I have tried until now. Advise needed!

First I remove the plastic cover on around the middle of the antenna. 3 torx screws appears.
I took out the 3 screws and finds out that I can only move what is left of my antenna a little from side to side.
Around the antenna is a nut size 13/16" or 7/8". I tried to unscrew it but it fells flexi to a certain point where I can screw it further (a half round).
I take of my tire and the plastic fender inside, to see if there is anything I have to do from the inside. A thin metal pole is mounted to the antenna and is around 15 inches long and mounted to the chassis as well.
This pole is what makes it feel flexi, so I takes out the bolts from the pole, and the whole part is now turning around, but I still can't remove the antenna since it is mounted around the plate, where the 3 torx screws is fastened.


There is a small "pipe" comming up of the antenna about 1/4" long, but it is without thread either on the outside or the inside, so I don't see how I can screw an replacement antenna.

The base has another bolt way down inside the fender. You need to remove the inner fenders, and door hinge jamb seals to access it

But I can turn the whole base around 360 degrees, and move it up and down about 1", so I don't think there are any more bolts to ged rid of, it is more like I have to disassemple the base into two parts, I think...

Is this at all needed for changing the antenna? or can I just put on somekind of aftermarket antenna on the base?

The entire thing needs to come out, follow jt's advice.
