Help identifying transmission model | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help identifying transmission model


New Member
March 3, 2013
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2002 Ford Explorer EB
Starting to have issue with 2-3 shift (As many on here seem to have). Late shifting when cold has turned to slipping regardless of temp. My problem at the moment is which transmission I have.

I own a 2002 Explorer Eddie Bauer with the 4.6L and 132000 on it. VIN is 1FMZU7412Bxxxxx. Build date is 01/02. I thought I had read somewhere that a different transmission was used prior to 03/02 but am unable to find that info again. I believe it was a switch form the 55S to the 55W.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Thanks for the info. Looks like I've got a "W". Guess next step should be getting trouble codes and figuring our what to start replacing first.

Thanks again.
