Help me I screwed up my headlights!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help me I screwed up my headlights!!!

I was probably stupid when I did this, but I got a pair of 9007 Green Xenon bulbs off of ebay and just pluged them inplace of the stock bulbs. This was easy, infact, it was too easy. It worked fine and the lights looked great. I waited until it was dark and went for a drive. I was driving with my high beams on and dimmed them when a car came in the other direction. The low beams came back on, but the high beam light on my dash didnt go off, it just got dimmer. I was also unable to turn my fog lights on. I flicked the high beams on and off once more and it was fine, but my passenger side headlight was out. I returned home and tried to put the stock headlight bulb back in that side and it didnt work. Then I put both stock bulbs back and the passenger side still doesent work. Can anyone help me?

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Sounds like you blew a fuse. They are seperate fuses for L & R headlights.
Hope its something simple.....

I hope its something simple. I was talking to my friend who is into imports and he was telling me that when people try to use HID bulbs without a complete conversion kit that it will burn up the wiring, but I dont think these are true HID bulbs. The ad said they are direct replacements for stock bulbs. I will go check my fuse now.

Ok this is weird. I looked in my owners manual, it says that there is a different fuse for the low beam on each side. With the stock bulbs in, and the low beams on, only one side lights up. Both light up with the high beams on. So I put the green bulbs in again one side lights up with low beams on, and the other side is the only one that lights up with the high beams this time. Any ideas?

Have you checked your fuses yet? Also inspect your wires near the harness

Also Welcome to the site! I am happy to have another O1+ Sport on the site.

I checked the fuses. The passenger side low beam fuse was blown. I replaced it and everything worked fine. The fuse blew again. The high beams still work, but the one low beam doesent. Should I try a stronger fuse? or get a replacement bulb and try it again?

a stronger fuse may work you could go uo 5 amps. but there is awalys the risk blowing something out

I would say quit tryin to put the green bulbs in, It sounds like they are a too high of a wattage and they are burning up your wiring or fuses.

Stock bulbs are 55/65 Watts, sounds like these green ones are a higher wattage.

Don't use higher wattage bulbs unless you get an aftermarket upgraded wiring harness.

Besides the fact that green bulbs are illegal.

I did what Billy177 said to do and went with the next size fuse up. So far everything is working fine. I will let y'all know how it works out.

Hmm, it would have been better to listen to the other advice as well..

Green headlights are illegal, the wiring harness will most likely melt eventually, and you're gonna have a hell of a time putting out the fire if something catches.

Doesn't seem worth it for some ninja turtle bulbs.

If you care about more than just haveing the lights work you should feel the wires at the headlight connections to see if they are warm. If they are than you have bad bulbs or a short in the wireing. You can run higher wattage bulds on the stock wireing but it does the wireing no good and you dont get the full amount of light out of the bulbs. Therefore the need for a harness.
Going to a higher rated fuse is OK for a temp. emergency fix. All it is doing is masking the problem and you still have the problem and it doesnt fix itself it only gets worse.

i bought a pair of blue xenon off ebay and installed them and did the same as you and when i got back i felt the heat on the headlights that it was putting out and opened the hood and saw smoke coming off the bulb so i removed them as fast as possible and luckly no damage was done to the wiring but the wattage was a lot higher than it should have been for my xplorer it was like 120 or so

Dude, I seriously advise you to get a heavy duty wiring harness. If you don't and keep using those bulbs, you'll melt the stock harness. It's gonna be a pain in the butt to replace. If your car is still under warrenty, they may void your warrenty so I strongly advise you to get a HD wiring harness. Here's the link where some people got them from:

Click on "Headlight Wire Harness"

a main rule of electrically systems: never put a higher amp fuse in place of a lower one.... i mean if you were stuck in a parking lot and just needed to get home with headlights that would work for a very short tiem for you, other than that, do not put a higher amp fuse in, your asking for trouble.

Originally posted by metalhed
Hmm, it would have been better to listen to the other advice as well..

Green headlights are illegal, the wiring harness will most likely melt eventually, and you're gonna have a hell of a time putting out the fire if something catches.

Doesn't seem worth it for some ninja turtle bulbs.

or unless you're the green hornet.

put back your stock fuse!!
my '98 had a short in the fuse box, if you're still under warranty have it checked.

don't volunteer the green light info to the boys at the blue oval.

you asked for advise--[please] TAKE IT!

these questions have come up before and can be found by doing a 'search'.

we're trying to help bro...



I was thinking that, since I only had a problem with the passenger side headlight and fuse that maybe it is the bulb. The drivers side light works fine with the stock fuse. If I sent the bulb back for a replacement, would you say it would be safe assuming it works with a stock fuse?

he doesn't listen to well..... get rid of them damn bulbs before you end up not being able to drive at night cause you have no wires left for headlights!

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ANY overwattage bulb [55/60 standard] will overheat your wiring and cause you a big expense to fix.

overwattage bulbs can also damage plastic lenses

ANY green headlight bulb WILL guarantee you a ticket and fine.

this is a lose/lose situation...
