Help needed in replacing 2002 Rear shocks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help needed in replacing 2002 Rear shocks


Active Member
October 15, 2008
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2002 Explorer

I have a 2002 Explorer (V8 4WD) and the rear is bouncing all over the place - I am assuming the rear shocks are blown...

...At least I think they are shocks - maybe they are struts?

Anyways - they run through the rear coil spring and one of them is leaked all over.

Is this an easy procedure to complete? I mean, I can probably do this myself but how do I remove that heavy duty spring?

I can probably go to a local parts store like Checker or whatever and buy them...

If someone can send my way some detailed instructions hopefully with some pictures, it would be much appreciated!

Thank you!


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You could order a set of these:

Monroe Part Number 171322

From here:

That will prevent you from having to deal with the spring. Some have reported that their springs were broken.

Those look pretty bad a$$...

Anyone know how they ride (stiff, soft) compared to the stock setup?



Would I still need to compress the spring (old and new) to remove the old one and install the new one?

Nope that's why you get the Quick Strut, its remove the old and install the new. No spring to deal with (new one comes assembled with strut, spring and strut mount).

Cool - thanks!

I just ordered 2 of them for $279 shipped!

...hope thats a good price.

Will do - but honestly....anything would be better than what I have now - LOL!

I am sure that there are people that swear by the Monroe brand - but I got a good impression after speaking with them and having them tell me how their product compares to Monroe...

I wasn't looking to spend a lot of $$$ either - so I hope they work out. Also their warranty and return policy seemed good to me.


I got my springs at advance auto "moog springs" and they loaned me a spring compressor. Well you pay for it I think it was $50 and then when you return it you get your $ back. Not a bad deal. The pass. side was broke on my 02 Mounty the drivers was fine though. I plan on replacing it when the weather is better though. Advance said I could get the compressor again when I wanted to do it. My struts seemed fine when I replaced the spring so I just left them.


...Found out that the part I ordered was on backorder from the company...

They also said that Monroe Direct was also out of them and that the part had a 4-6 week ETA.

...So I went a different route:

Ordered these direct from the company over in Canada - free shipping and they had them in stock, also over $100 cheaper than the Monroe's.

That's a great price. Do let us know how they fit and ride. Suspect they are a Chinese copy of the Monroe's, but that is pure speculation on my part.

There must be a world-wide shortage of struts because I am looking for KYB (OEM) struts for my 99 Subaru Outback (with ABS) and I could only find them online at one source?

there is also a law case . . .if anyone needs to be put to sleep. . .lol\FDCT\EMI\2008\20080925_0003427.EMI.htm/qx

Seems Monroe is suing the maker of Struttek. . .it seems more branding part no issues. Nothing about copying the design (install instructions yes). . .

The thing i like about the Monroes, is if you watch the struts on these 3rd gen Ex's, there is very little motion most of the time in the strut, in other word most of its travel (80-90% of it, just guessing) is within 1 inch. There is little or no noise dive and body roll.

The monroe sensatrac for the first stage use fluid dynamics (tapered groves), nothing to wear out. i put them on my heep 10yrs and 100k ago. . .still rides great.


Thanks for the law case. I found this statement (by President of Kingdom/Choice Auto Parts) interesting:

Calagoure admitted that he sent a Tenneco (Monroe Quick-Strut) strut to China with instructions to copy the Tenneco strut.

Well the good news is you're getting new rear springs in the deal, and that's never a bad thing on an 02. That year is notorious for having faulty rear springs, that eventually snap in half. So you covered yourself doubly.

True about the springs but read this about the tests done on the springs from the Choice Auto parts sold units:

Licensed professional engineer Ph.D. Elborn Jones attests by way of declaration that, at Tenneco's request, he studied and tested the fatigue strength of four coil springs taken from KAP strut assemblies. Plaintiff's Exhibit 116. Ph.D. Jones applied a "Pontotoc Spring Test," which he described as repeatedly running the coil springs through cycles of compression, an accelerated fatigue life test the Pontotoc Spring Company applies to the coil springs it sells to Tenneco. Id. Ph.D. Jones attests that the lot of four springs failed the test because the average of 147,092.25 cycles-before-failure fell below a 150,000 cycles-before-failure requirement, and three of the four springs failed to satisfy a 75,000 to 150,000 cycles-before-failure requirement. Id. Ph.D. Jones attests that one of the springs was tested as having a Rockwell Hardness factor of 28-30, below the 48-52 Rockwell Hardness specification of the Pontotoc Spring Company. Id. Ph.D. Jones opines that the lower Rockwell Hardness of the KAP spring was "a major factor contributing to the failure of [the spring] to satisfy the Pontotoc Spring Test."

(from the lawsuit link posted above).

True about the springs but read this about the tests done on the springs from the Choice Auto parts sold units:

Licensed professional engineer Ph.D. Elborn Jones attests by way of declaration that, at Tenneco's request, he studied and tested the fatigue strength of four coil springs taken from KAP strut assemblies. Plaintiff's Exhibit 116. Ph.D. Jones applied a "Pontotoc Spring Test," which he described as repeatedly running the coil springs through cycles of compression, an accelerated fatigue life test the Pontotoc Spring Company applies to the coil springs it sells to Tenneco. Id. Ph.D. Jones attests that the lot of four springs failed the test because the average of 147,092.25 cycles-before-failure fell below a 150,000 cycles-before-failure requirement, and three of the four springs failed to satisfy a 75,000 to 150,000 cycles-before-failure requirement. Id. Ph.D. Jones attests that one of the springs was tested as having a Rockwell Hardness factor of 28-30, below the 48-52 Rockwell Hardness specification of the Pontotoc Spring Company. Id. Ph.D. Jones opines that the lower Rockwell Hardness of the KAP spring was "a major factor contributing to the failure of [the spring] to satisfy the Pontotoc Spring Test."

(from the lawsuit link posted above).

"Fatigue" is a lot different than "breaking". The Ford rear springs in the 02 break in half, what you linked is an independent test that shows spring fatigue (ie. sagging), which I would expect anyway from an aftermarket strut assembly in that price range.

Just like I would expect any suspension part to fall victim to, of sagging and fatigue after wear. But breaking in half? That's what happens to the Ford springs :thumbdwn:

Thanks for all that info!

I honestly do not think my 02 has 147,000 cycles left in it - LOL! so those should be just fine for me...

Combined with the price I paid for them ($100 cheaper than Monroe) seems like a good deal to me.

That lawsuit did look like a branding issue to me on the "quick strut" name...

Shipment just cleared customs today and should be at my door on Wednesday.


Can anyone give me the torque specifications to install the new strut assembly?

I think there are 3 bolts total - the 2 on top and the big one on the bottom...

Thank you!


I just ordered 2 of the Monroe Quick Struts for my 02 on Saturday. I know at least one side was broke that I noticed when I changed the brakes and they are starting to sqeek more and sagging a little. I have been loading up more stuff inside recently because I am back DJing again. Next thing after this will be the wheel bearings. I got my quick struts from for $311 shipped. Should be here this week.

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I found out today, after charging my card already, that has them on back order until next month sometime. I can't win....
