Help! Where Can I Fit Aftermarket Amp in 2006 Explorer??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help! Where Can I Fit Aftermarket Amp in 2006 Explorer???


Well-Known Member
January 22, 2002
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City, State
Smith Mountain Lake, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Limited
Need Recommendations for Powerful but SMALL Amp!!!

I have a large US Acoustics Amp (USX4085) that I want to add to my 2006 Explorer. However, it will simply not fit antwhere where it can be hidden from plain sight.

The only spot is under the 2nd row passenger side bench seat, but when in "Cargo Mode" there is only approx. 2.5" space when the seat is fully recessed.

I would greatly appreciate any recommendations for a small footprint, thin (height is the main limiting factor) but powerfull amp (i.e. 75x4 RMS). Thanks!

P.S.: Audiobahn has a small footprint powerful 4 channel amp that is just less than 2" in height, but I really don't know much about this brand. Anybody have any experience with them?

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Can you fit it in the rear passenger side panel? Ive got a JBL amp in mine that is roughly 12 x 12 x 2.5". With that amp being only 9 3/5" tall I would imagine that it would fit nicely on top of the wheel well. Then again I havent actually seen the new 2006 cargo area so I couldnt tell you for sure if there was room behind the panel to mount the amp.

I haven't opened it up yet (honestly can't figure out how the panel comes off), but my '06 has the factory sub mounted there.

rpr said:
I haven't opened it up yet (honestly can't figure out how the panel comes off), but my '06 has the factory sub mounted there.

the factory amp is just in front of the factory sub, so you may want to pop the panel off to take a look. If it is like my 98, there are a few visible pins that hold it in in the rear and around the window. The rest of it just pops off.
