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help with Lower ball joint


Well-Known Member
August 12, 2005
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City, State
Upstate NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT 4WD
I realized that I need to replace the lower passenger side ball joint in my '99 4X4 XLT. Everything I'm reading says I have to replace the entire control arm assembly. Is this true or can I just replace the ball joint itself? It looks like a major pain to replace the entire thing. Any advice?

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I just replaced the lower ball joints on my 2000 a few weeks ago. (Moog from Napa Part # 260-1460) It was easier than I thought. They cost me $33 with my company discount. The upper ball joints are not replaceable without the arm.

walk through

Can you walk me through the process? There isn't much room in there with the CV joint/shaft to repress in a new bearing. What did you take apart or move to get access? Unbfortunately the Haynes manual says nothing but replace the entire control arm. Thanks for your help

the lower is replaced just as the ball. The upper is replaced by the entire arm.

There is a write up on here with pictures and everything. Search for "Lower Ball Joint Replacement" or something like that. Its not a huge project, but it takes time and you will need a ball joint press which you can get at AutoZone.

hi, I have recently changed lower ball joints. It is absolutely not necessary to change entire arm (it is true for upper balljoints - they are as a unit). Keep in mind to have allignement checked after replacement. By the way - it is better to change both balljoints at the time.

Check out this excellent post as well....

Homerexplorer said:
I realized that I need to replace the lower passenger side ball joint in my '99 4X4 XLT. Everything I'm reading says I have to replace the entire control arm assembly. Is this true or can I just replace the ball joint itself? It looks like a major pain to replace the entire thing. Any advice?

Yes you can just replace the lower ball joint, but be sure to use the proper press to remove and install. Otherwise you risk eating out the hole in the control arm, and will have to replace the whole thing.

Here's a tip: Place the new ball joint in the freezer for an hour or two before installation. The cold will shrink the ball joint and it will press in easier.

Changed my mind

After going throught the threads on it, I think it will be just as easy to replace all of them (top and bottom on both sides). The truck has 100k on it so the other lower is probably not far behind. If I take off the upper, it gives me easy access to the bottom. This way I only have to align it once. Thanks for all of the help.
