Help with PIE adapter | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help with PIE adapter


Explorer Addict
September 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
St. Petersburg, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer
:help:I am installing a PIE #FRDN-AUX adapter on my 2003 ex, and I need a wiring diagram for it. It tells me I need to tap into my +12VDC battery memory source on my factory connector, but I don't know what wire that is. The wiring diagram they gave me is junk. Can anybody help me? My dashboard is in pieces...

Followed this diagram and used the white/yellow as my 12V source, but still nothing. Any Ideas?

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I taped into either a purple or a brown wire. It was at the bottom corner of the connector that your dealing with

I don't have a wire that color in any of the corners. The white/yellow wire that is there for the +12V constant was only putting out 8V, so I ran a longer wire to a 12V I had in my center console; still doesn't work. The 8V may have messed the adapter up, so I'm going to call PIE on Monday and make them figure it

Its a little box that you splice into your factory radio to give you an auxiliary input cable for use with you mp3 player/phone music player. I had one but didn't like it so I just bought an aftermarket radio

And brian, you know you have to hit the cd button twice to enter aux input mode?

Yeah, it just says NO CD.

Do you have a link to the model PIE you have? I didn't have to do any wiring to install and use my PIE adapter. It just plugs in and away you go.

Kazer said:
yeah thats what mine said when it worked i think

I've read that it should say DJ or CD-1...

briwayjones said:
What are you trying to connect using the PIE?

Just a 3.5mm jack for my iPhone.

Problem Solved: Not really

So it turns out that my factory radio was only put in 03-04 EB Explorers and is not at all adaptable.

Obviously, the adapter I bought is useless and I just sent it back. The logical next step for me is to look into an aftermarket headunit. BUT! I, like an idiot, already drilled a hole and mounted a jack in my center console. :banghead:

Just in case I can't find an aftermarket headunit I like, all of our 3rd Gen radios should be interchangable, right?

Any recommendations for a good, fairly inexpensive headunit?

Just install cassete player :)

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So this is what you need.

