hi! from Argentina.. my X pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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hi! from Argentina.. my X pics


November 8, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
La Plata , Buenos Aires
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 xlt



;) i hope u like it

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that looks real good. those wheels are pretty awesome.

it have 33 12.50 15 on 15 x 10 rims
the rims 're made here, the factory calls "Ruedas Argentinas"

Looks nice, welcome!

looks sweet wish i went 33's

Beautiful! Great tires!

Buen dia! me encanta su camioneta, que linda! Nice to see you here, take care!

Your Explorer looks great! :cool: How is it lifted? Spindles?

torsion bars and shackels...

i'm thinking on change the front dif..
cherokee front... ?? d30?

i'm thinking on change the front dif..
cherokee front... ?? d30?

Waste. If you're going through the trouble, atleast go with a D44. The 30 is a weak axle.

How did you fit 33's under TT and shackles? Lots of cutting?

Looks awesome!

What is on the fender. Some graphic or sticker?

Looks good by the way

how did u fit the 33's with no other suspension mod than just tt and shackles? any rub? and other mod to fit that?

What's the interior like?

What's the audio equipment like? It sits like a Toyota 4runner, maybe it's the tire/rim combo. Are Explorers popular in your area? :)

ok... the tires just fit rigth in the original rim... then when i change wheels i had tu cut the lower part of the fender
we have a club here the url is www.clubranger4x4.com.ar ..
the sticker.. is a troy lee desing one...
and... TT just change the bolt for a longer one... beware...when you get up.. you must have some free sag.
here some more pics.
33 on stock rims:




offroad logo:

dunning heehee training for race.. http://www.endurodelverano.com.ar/

yz450f carrier homemade


=) the sticker is the doug henry carb..

they 're many of them... most of themn 4doors... v6 .. there 're almost non 2 doors v8..
here... gas is too expensive for a v8... the 80% of the explorers here run on GNC = gas natural comprimido, is cheap cheap cheap... lost a litle beat of power and is a dry gas... you may need oil inyector for the mix
hope you like it

they 're not popular... here most of trucks 're diesel. we have ranger 3.0 turbo diesel.. toyota sw5 2.8 turbo diesel.. almost all trucks 're diesel from factory.

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Welcome to the forum :wavey:
Your Explorer looks Sweeeeeet! The BFG MT tires have lots of tread (From a distance they almost looked like Krawler tires).

How much is regular gasoline? Up hear in the states its around $3 US a gallon :eek:
