Homelink install in early second gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Homelink install in early second gen


Explorer Addict
November 4, 2005
Reaction score
Central Ohio
City, State
Powell(Columbus), OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Limited
I've been poking around for a year now looking for light gray visors with homelink and voice recorder built in. I finally got tired of looking and just got a dark gray set. When I began installing them, I realized the wiring of my vanity mirror visors was a bit different than that of what these new visors came from. This made the install a bit different and a tad more difficult than I anticipated but it's now done, none the less.

With no wiring diagram I had to figure out what the second wire was for, I wired up and old 12v plug to the stocker to see how it worked. The Green/pink wire on the stock visor is the hot wire, the 3 screw mount is the actual ground. After some testing (and a little swearing) I found the Green/pink wire on the new visor was also hot but he ground has been moved from the mount to the black wire.

Stockers are about to go:

96 plug with 1 wire

Newer plug with 2 wires



Since the black wire turned out to be a ground, I had to add a ground to the harness. I initially thought to put the ground on one of the screws that hold the visors up but it would get in the way of the visor mount where it goes through the ceiling. I found some screws I had in my spare bucket, drilled a hole and scuffed up the paint around the hole.


Once you have it wired up, test it before you re mount it to the roof.


Screw the new visor back to the roof and the first side is done.


The color isn't that far off


Repeat the entire process for the passenger side, both stock visors had the same plug and both later model visors had the same plug respectively.


and a quick demo of the voice recorder

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Do these units support rolling code doors like genie or overhead? Usually they have a triangular LED if they do. What year did they become a feature, if its after 98 I believe it will.

I've never seen one earlier than 99 with them. I'm not sure it was a "factory" option so much as a dealer option. I think they do support rolling codes. My LS came with this system and it says in manual that it does support rolling codes but the LS is an 02.

I've never seen one earlier than 99 with them. I'm not sure it was a "factory" option so much as a dealer option. I think they do support rolling codes. My LS came with this system and it says in manual that it does support rolling codes but the LS is an 02.

Most probably does if its 99 and up...

Is the light amber or red? Amber is rolling codes...

I'll have to look later.

Both the one I installed in the Explorer and the one in the LS have red lights.
