Homelink,the way Ford should have done it. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Homelink,the way Ford should have done it.


Active Member
February 19, 2009
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2015 Explorer Sport
Here is my little project I started using a stock non sunroof overhead and a Homelink transmitter out of a visor(Windstar).

Lots of cutting,grinding and sanding was done but I got it to fit.

Here are the pics,im about 80% done.







I got the console glued together,the gap filled and sanded a little but,I just need a lil more sanding,primer and paint and it will be done.Pic of that soon.

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Works well if you don't have a moonroof... :) I stuck mine in the headliner because of that, but I like the install! Did you need that large cutout though?

This was my headliner install:


Looking good:cool: Is homelink just like onstar..i was a best buy today and just noticed you could buy the onstart package and install your ownself.Didnt really read much about it.Anyone know if it can be installed in my 1st gen?

It's a standalone mirror based system, it can be installed in anything...

Looking good:cool: Is homelink just like onstar..i was a best buy today and just noticed you could buy the onstart package and install your ownself.Didnt really read much about it.Anyone know if it can be installed in my 1st gen?

I thought the homelink was just for your door openers and the on-star was a cell phone system .... am i wrong ?

I was commenting on 69explorer's comment about OnStar at BestBuy. That can be installed in anything, the Homelink is just a garage door based opener system.

Thanks Joe for the help..I figured i would find out more so i went to the best buy to see what it was all about.Well for one i couldnt belive the people that they let work at best buy let alone help there customers.I asked this one guy if it would work on my truck i gave him the make and model and he had enough balls to tell me to call the onstar people.Dont they know nething,**** they do work there!!Well neways i was going to settle with it as on the box its says for all makes and models untill i went to get it and for 380.00 its not worth it.Aint having a cell phone and a gps in your car just as good...**** for 380 i could buy the top ofline gps and just use my bluetooth that i got from walmart for 20.00...thought the price was nutz:)

CJL, post up how you wired it into the dome light.

That is where I was thinking of putting my Homelink visor module... someday...

Got her finished,here are the progress pics.






Looks really good. :eek:

the Finished product looks real good CJL :thumbsup:

and since someone else started the HiJack:p:
It's a standalone mirror based system, it can be installed in anything...

yeah but i am not giving up my Auto Dim Mirror for this :D

Thanks for the kind words guys.

What paint did you use on it?

Rustoleum textured.

I sold my explorer yesterday so this is up for sale if anybody is interested

Nice Overhead console...

What are you asking for it?
