How does rear ABS work - out of curiosity | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How does rear ABS work - out of curiosity


Explorer Addict
December 5, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Limited V8 AWD
There are no individual ABS sensors on the rear wheels in our 2nd gen Explorers. Instead, there is only a single sensor over the ring in the differential assembly, and all that does is report the sum of the wheel speeds, without any information about their individual rotation. So as far as the ABS controller is concerned, one rear wheel can be spinning twice as fast the front ones, and the other not rotating at all, and it will look just the same as if both were turning at the same speed as the front. I realize that the purpose of ABS is to avoid skidding, which is primarily the responsibility of the front wheels, but still... Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks!
