how fast will a dent/scratch start to gather rust | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how fast will a dent/scratch start to gather rust


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
If your car gets dented and the paint scratched off about how long would it take before some minor rust starts to show on the metal under the paint?
If temp and humidity have any factor its gets to about 55-60 degrees at night with dew collecting on the body up to about 80degrees in the day with 75%+ humdity.

could it start collecting in 2 days, some minor surface rust?

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Not long really. Most of the cars that come in the shop that have exposed bare metal have some light surface rust by the time we start to wrok on it.

Keep in mind I am talking the bare metal, the e-coat is pretty tough stuff.

EliteConcept said:
If your car gets dented and the paint scratched off about how long would it take before some minor rust starts to show on the metal under the paint?
If temp and humidity have any factor its gets to about 55-60 degrees at night with dew collecting on the body up to about 80degrees in the day with 75%+ humdity.

could it start collecting in 2 days, some minor surface rust?
Within a matter of hours

In Phoenix, never. In the conditions you described, 5 minutes before the scratch occured;)

The stock doors from my Explorer are sitting beside our shed. There are several spots on the doors that are down to bare metal, but there isn't a trace of rust. They've been like that for over 2 years.:eek: The dry heat IS good for something :D

Rick said:
In Phoenix, never. In the conditions you described, 5 minutes before the scratch occured;)

The stock doors from my Explorer are sitting beside our shed. There are several spots on the doors that are down to bare metal, but there isn't a trace of rust. They've been like that for over 2 years.:eek: The dry heat IS good for something :D
In my home on the beach (santa cruz) give ferrous metal one hour, and it will rust

Thanks for your input guys.
A kid on his bike hit my car. I didnt' see it but a neighbor did. When I confronted the alleged kids parents his father more or less called me a liar by saying one of the dents couldnot have been done at the same time because it was oxidizing and "metal doesn't oxidize that fast". this was 2 days after the event. I was going to let it slide since it is a lease car, but now after hearing this, i'm going to try and get that sob to pay. Everything stacks up against his son
His son, "isn't allowed" down by my house to play but yet he was down here that day.
when asked if he did it, the kid right away tried to say there was a girl who goes to his school that "hates his guts" that would tell lies to get him into trouble. and the girl who saw told me who he was with, and suprise suprise, he was with that boy that day. The dad was fairly nice execept for calling me a liar about the one dent. He wanted to know who saw,so we could all meet... which i can understood at the time...but the girl who saw is not the girl that hates this boy, and does not even go to his school...

the day after confronting for the first time i saw his son down by my house again...funny huh? I saw this boy spit on another kid the ride away a few seconds later. I'll tell him for that girls saftey I don't think his son needs to know who it is, if his son is spitting on people. and i'll throw it back in his face that he has no idea about metal oxidization, i'll call a couple of body shops to get a further confirmation about how fast it could start to form some rust..and i'll make him feel like a dumba$ in all aspects...if he pays good..if not at least i'll feel smug after dealing with him, i don't want him to have the satisfaction that i just let this roll off my shoulders..

this has got me all wound up again.

iv had a problem befor with a kid scraching my truck and cracked my windshield...but this was at my school and a whole class saw him every day doing somthing to my truck...finally my school principal had enough and called the cops...they went to the kid school the next day and pulled him out of class...all the damages totaled $1500....but then i sold my truck and bought my explorer....i just got a call 1 month ago and the police asked me how much it cost to fix it, but i said i sold it, so the kid never had to pay...but he did get two felony charges..

but now hes older, and if he ever does anything to my truck im going to his parents....makes me mad becasue you feel like punching their light out

I had an "incident" where a trailer tongue was run into the rear side of my truck. There is no rust. That was 2 years ago. I can't believe it. A whole lot different down here than when I was back up north!

When I bought my X 2 years or so ago, it came pre-dented on the front drivers fender, paint gone and all, and it still hasnt rusted. I dont know what this e-coat is what Monmix speaks of, but it could be that keeping it from rusting in my case. /shrug Good luck with getting the kid/parents to pay for the mess they made.

Kinserin said:
. I dont know what this e-coat is what Monmix speaks of, .

Factory primer. Flexable, durable stuff.

A good indicator is, how long before the rotors rust?

Here in Houston there is light rust on my rotor face and I have not driven the car since yesterday.

E-coat is an eletrostaic coating applied by the factory on new body panels.

Accually bare metal will start oxidizing almost immediately. That is why body shops alway prep bare metal before painting.

