How Many Miles are on Your Explorer? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How Many Miles are on Your Explorer?

1994 automatic with 177,000. Original Engine and Trans.

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'93, shows 24,000. Not sure if it's 124 or 224. I think 124 but really don't know. I put new heads on last summer. Everything else is original to the best of my knowledge.

original owner 1994 LTD every option from factory automatic with 172,000. Original Engine and Trans.

Picture 1687.jpg

Ooooh, twins!

Wish mine had rear a/c and power lift gate, then it would be the complete options package.

Love to see a video of the power lift gate in action!


Ok rear ac power lift gate? Really dont know if your joking or wishing that is a option? Had to pull out the Ford 1994 Explorer brochure....


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99 Eddie Bower 183000 Strong as ever 5.0

Original motor and tranny 94 w/ just over 230k.

1991 277,000 all original , bought it over 2 years ago paid 800.00 for it .

1991 Eddie Bower 150,000 miles rebuilt tranny.

1993 Ford Explorer Sport - almost 300,000, Bought new in 93' by the 'rents for $18,550 fully loaded save for 4X4 - still going strong on the original engine and (slightly) rebuilt original M50D. When I wash it, it still looks very new as well. Just passed Emissions getting better emissions than the nearly new Toyota Rav4 next to me, LOL.

93 xlt
4.0 ohv original engine and tranny.
Flex plate, rad, water pump, alt, thermostat, heater core(s), all wheel bearings, seats replaced

360 000 kilometers
223 693.629 miles

91 XLT 4 door 2wd 5 speed, 246k miles, original engine, original 5 speed and still the original clutch still holding well unless I try to dump it.


1993 XLT 4x4 - all original (except bumpers!) - family owned from new - just turned 90k original miles.

I've had the Ex now for 2 years and I've put 14k miles on it. That's the most (per year) of anybody in the family!

92 XL four door Just turned over 510,000 miles. Original engine uses oil and the plugs foul after a couple of years. Two clutches and one rebuilt transmission. It's getting kind of rusty but just put new Cooper tires on it so hope to get a few more years out of it. with my luck something might go out at 590,000 miles and I'd fix it just to get to 600K. As rusty as it is it might not get major repairs again. It's been a good work truck and with the mileage reimbursement I've come out ahead.

92 xlt 4x4. all original with just over 172k. it's not gonna take too many more northeast winters and might be time to retire it.

My '94 XLT 4x4 has 164,000 miles. I just rolled the 164,000 mark on my way from Greenville, SC to Jordanville, NY! The 2004 Eddie Bauer has 194k miles. Both are goin' strong!

93 XLT, stock with 185k. It's on it's second clutch and transmission for about 50k of those though.

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2008 4.0 4x4 ED. 126,000 odo($$$) Recent trans rebuilt. New front end. New suspension. New cooling system (fan clutch, pump, etc.). Trans cooler with fan. New fan clutch really pulls air - trans cooler barely runs - yes, it's at a setting of 175f. Engine strong. Oh, new alternator and upper heater hoses, ball joints x 4, suspension. Runs smooth now.
