How many miles on your 4.0 SOHC? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many miles on your 4.0 SOHC?

natures child

January 28, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT 4WD
How many miles do you have on your 4.0 SOHC? I've been a Ford guy my whole life, but just purchased my first V6 yesterday. Its a 1998 Explorer XLT 4WD with an automatic. 156k miles.

I know about the old timing chain problem (hence the nickname "Exploder") but would like to hear from you how many miles you have on your motor (Ranger or Explorer) and what work you've had to perform over the time you've had it. Please specify what year your truck/SUV is also and how you drive it. :burnout:

Hope to hear some high mileage coming from you guys!!! :chug:

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I'm only at 137k (1997 SOHC XLT) because I purchased a Civic 3.5 years ago to save wear on the truck (and LOTS of gas money) and I've put 60,000 on the Honda since. That being said, I drive the truck around town and what miles it does get are HARD, as I am responding to my firehouse multiple times a week from a cold start, dead of winter, no warmup, hard acceleration, etc.

My 99 has 234,x.. and counting. Bought it new and have changed the oil and filter every 3-4k since then.

Oh and BTW, this thread might be of interest to you ;)

Thanks a lot, Paraphone. I was searching the internet for hours trying to find a thread like this and wasn't seeing it, so I finally just started my own. The link you shared is exactly what I have been looking for!! :notworthy

On a positive note, since I broke down and started my own thread, at least now I'm a member of this awesome forum!!
:thumbsup: :) :biggthump

2002 Ranger 65,330 I bought it 3 years ago @ 33,600 .
2001 Explorer 108, 380 , I just bought it , so before my time on it .

Thanks a lot, Paraphone. I was searching the internet for hours trying to find a thread like this and wasn't seeing it, so I finally just started my own. The link you shared is exactly what I have been looking for!! :notworthy

On a positive note, since I broke down and started my own thread, at least now I'm a member of this awesome forum!!
:thumbsup: :) :biggthump

Glad to help man, welcome to the forum. :thumbsup:

2002, 4.0, 4wd, 185K and counting.....does not use oil.

2001 XLT 4.0 4x4 with 159,500 stock. 2nd owner and only oil/trans changes and plugs. Off road it on trails and daily drive it to work.

132,000 got it 7 years ago @61,000 and I change the oil every 3,000 miles

197,434 on my '98 SOHC 4x4. Some minor mods here and there, Safari light bar w/ 2x KC 130W lights up front, 2 x 55w in back, inside hatch release. Lights and hatch release are for camping. New stereo system.. but mostly stock since the day I bought it.
I agree that the best thing you can to for longevity is regular oil changes with a quality filter and oil, and fix what breaks. Don't let minor issues turn into big ones.
