How many people own or have owned an Aerostar? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many people own or have owned an Aerostar?


Moderator & long time member.
Staff member
Elite Explorer
November 11, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Brooklyn, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
88 89 93 95 96 Aerostars
From reading various posts over the years, it seems that a lot of people either own, have owned, or know somebody that owns an Aerostar. A lot of people use them for parts to repair their Ranger, Explorer, etc. I have an 88, 89, 93, 95, and 96. What does everybody else have?

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Never Owned one but have driven one at one time tho :D

Friends don't let friends own minivans :)
What about when it's converted into a Ranger?

Thats definitely redneck there, is that yours Brooklyn?

My parents had a '96 for several years. They replaced it in '03 with an Explorer Limited, shortly after I bought my Explorer. (I guess I was a bad influence) :p:

we had a new 86 aerostar... it died shortly after i got my license, i was stupider then, and nuetral drops are bad! it had over 180k on it, everything original


Computer governed at 99 mph. :( had it for 10 years and 135,000 miles. Bought it in Maine, shipped to england, shipped back to the states.

Oh and Brooklyn that aerostar my mom is gettin she thinks is a 93

My father in law used to have a cargo one which finally died and he replaced it with a F150, which he says is to big now. :rolleyes:

When I was in high shool a friend of mine had a extended one they he took all the seats out of and it had a 4.0 in it. It hauled ass!!!! We beat the crap out of it and then it burnt to the ground one day:(

Parents had a 93 Red one, ran for quite a long time till the tranny kept blowing seals back to back in a period of 4 months back in 02-03

Had a dark blue metalic 1989 shortie, hmmmmm let me see if I can find...........

Ummm nope, Ihave a pic or two on 35mm but none on the pooter, bought it with 70k miles and drove it till almost 200k, used it to transport my mountain bikes to and from the races and as a daily commuter.

Jeff - :navajo:

There are alot of people here who have...but I have not..and probably never will.

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