how much can you lift a 2000 mountaineer before drive shaft issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how much can you lift a 2000 mountaineer before drive shaft issues

scot ludwig

New Member
August 13, 2012
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levittown pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 mercury mountaineer
i just got my first mountaineer and i am loving it. i used to drive a poniac grand-am :(... but now i living the explorer life and loving it. but i want to lift my truck some not a lot but enough to have some more clearance because i want to start mudding but money is a issue so i dont want any drive shaft problems so how high can i go and still be safe? i appreciate any help :D

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You will have to lift the back end a fair way to require drive shaft modification. What did you have in mind to lift the front end? Most people on a limited budget do a Tortion Twist then add a leaf and shackles in the back. If you want to go further then that you could either do a 3" body lift and then put bigger tyres on or spend big bucks and do a Super lift kit. Super lift kit will require front drive shaft mod.

i think i will do what you said. do torsion in the front and the leaf in the back i only want a little lift and i will be putting larger tires on. i just need to find out what my gears can handle i have 373's

I have like 28's on there now I will go to 31's. And do a tortion and leafs in the back I will be posting pics of my truck as it is now and during the lift thankyou for all the help :)

Scot, a torsion twist of 1.5- 2 inches will do the front and Warrior 153 shackles in the rear will work great for 31- 32" tires with just a little front bumper cutting. check out this site for tires. Mine were $526 shipping included for 32x10x17. They have far exceded my expectations.

TT in front and Monroe coil overs in back..31's.



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