How much for plexi Windows? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much for plexi Windows?


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2000
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1995 Sport 2wd
I was wondering if anyone knows how much it would cost to get my back windows switched out for plexiglass? I would do this so that people cant really break those windows. let me know ur thoughts

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I don't think they would be road legal if you put in plex windows. If I remember correctly, all "glass" must be DOT approved, and I don't think plex qualifies.

hmm....that could be true. Well it doesnt really matter to me if its legal lol, any clue how much it would cost?

I don?t know the cost but the problem with plexiglass is it only looks goo from about a month then it gets all scratched from cleaning it and normal where and tare

Slick, I was thinking about your situation this AM, and what if you replaced the back windows with steel painted black? You could cut it to exactly the same shape, and install them the same way. This would make it similar to a panel van, and I dont think it would be terribly noticeable. then you could lexon/plexi the front windows and windshield.

Well that would be a good idea, but then i wouldnt be able to see out the back window, which i def. need

You don't want to put plexi windows in. Like Bonnich said they scratch easily and will turn yellow after a few months in the sun. It is also illegal for the windshield or rear glass to be anything but saftey glass. If you really think you need to go this route look into Speed Glass. Its the stuff used in NASCAR. Don't know where you can get it, and it isn't cheap, but it won't scratch or yellow like plexiglass.

look in a summit catalog... there is a company ythat sells speedglass..... it has it for trucks and can custom cut you pieces if you sent them a template.... they arent cheap though.....side windows can be any material you want... i'm not sure on the rear window, but i know that a windshield must be dot approved saety glass..... im putting plexiglass in my jeep windshield frame though..... i figure, if i piss of a cop enough to hunt for my dot code on the windshield, im already going to jail and my trucks getting impounded...

I think Ryan (Vairking) has a heck of an idea here. If I were interested in creating a street X, the idea of sheetmetaling the rear windows would catch my interest. Of course, I would keep the rear hatch window something clear. But the side rear windows sheetmetaled and painted to match would look cool IMHO. Maybe one the photochop guys can give some ideas on what this would look like.

Just yapping,


None of the ideas mentioned seems practical to me. If you want to prevent theft, get a good alarm. A set of plexi windows will not solve your problem.

an alarm wont prevent theft.... hiding the goods will..... and making it harder to break into will also.... plexi is good... but plastic can break very easily.... a torch will get you through plastic... plastic especially plexi is very brittle... you would need a piece like 1/2" thick at least to be theft detterent/unbrakable...

I forget which Robo cop it was, but the theft deterent system commercial they had in the movie was good... electrocution....

Run a wire from your cap (they hold a charge don't they? how long do they hold the charge?) to the frame of that surrounds the head unit. Separate it with rubber bushing, but make it so would be thieves would need to touch the wire to remove the unit. Could be hidden key activated so that you can perform maintenance with out shocking yourself... (am I getting a little carried away here? :) )

Also, the alarms with proximity sensors that tell people to get away from the vehicle or the police will be notified )or some other message like that)... Those are real...I saw a viper that had one once... I wanted to see the interior and the car is telling to step away from the vehicle.

Just my two cents... You could always go with bullet proof glass that they use in armored vehicles, might be cost prohibitive though ( <-- some big words I learned in college, but don't know what they mean :) )

