How much trans fluid when pulling drive shaft? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much trans fluid when pulling drive shaft?


Well-Known Member
February 26, 2008
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City, State
Baton Rouge, LA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer
My 04 Mounty needs new u-joints, which I can handle, but with the dumb sealed tranny, I don't really want to deal with the topoff procedure right now.

I'm busy, don't have the NPT fitting & siphon pump, and in a few months I'll have lift access to change the tranny fluid.

I know in my old tbird /w 4r70w a quart would almost pour out the tail. How much comes out of these, typically?

If I jack up the rear end by a foot or two, will that keep it from puking fluid out of the tail?

I'm not entirely sure about the 3rd generation of explorers, but all the rest have a flange connection at the tail housing. If yours is four wheel drive, then it definitely does.

So basically there shouldn't be a problem with fluid pouring out if you are just taking off the drive shaft.

I'm not entirely sure about the 3rd generation of explorers, but all the rest have a flange connection at the tail housing. If yours is four wheel drive, then it definitely does.

So basically there shouldn't be a problem with fluid pouring out if you are just taking off the drive shaft.

Does it? I don't remember seeing a flange the last time I had it on the lift, but I wasn't looking at the driveshaft area. It's a 2WD.

I'll look and see, if it's a flange setup that will be awesome!
