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How much trans fluid


Active Member
June 11, 2011
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City, State
Seaman, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Ford Ranger XLT
How much transmission fluid does my 93 explorer sport take? Rwd, automatic, 4L V6.

How much fluid

You will find a good answer to this question because i asked the question for my 96 and still have seen a answer,the only thing i in this forum is that it can be
anywhere between 10qts and 16qts.
We just changed the fluid in our 96 and it about 6qts,thats when we found two pieces from the bands in the bottom of the hopefully we can get some use out of it before we will take it to the scrap yard.
Thought about changing over to 5spd. but it not be worth it.

My book shows 10 quarts as the total capacity of an a4ld.

If your only dropping the pan you won't fit that much in there as the torque converters hold a bunch too, and the trans cooler/heat exchanger and lines hold some. .

If you are filling an empty transmission put in 5 quarts or so, then start the truck, then put in another 4 and then start checking the fluid level as you put in the last quart.

