How to buy Police Interceptor Utility | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to buy Police Interceptor Utility


July 26, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Interceptor Utility
Does anybody know if Ford will sell a Police Interceptor Utility to anyone? I'm looking for an SUV with a column shifter that's not going to completely break the bank such as a Tahoe or Suburban. I want a console shifter because I've upfitted a fair amount of radio equipment and lights in my current vehicle.

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Ford has a rule that they can only be sold to "fleet" registered entities.

Therefore a new one can't be sold to a private person. You may find a dealers willing to break the rule but that will be a tough one to find.

Most people look for low mileage ones such as damaged in transit units or demo units. Those are "used" and can be sold to the public.

There are some used UI out in the market as well.

Hi, I just buy a Police Utility. I have been searching for a year. I did my searching using Google. I put in used "Ford Police Explorer for sale". I found car dealers that sell demo units or Department trade in vehicles. I also put in an email search on that's how I found my Utility. I get a daily email with dealers who have them for sale. I flew out to Utah and drove home to California. Good Luck:salute:

Hi, I just buy a Police Utility. I have been searching for a year. I did my searching using Google. I put in used "Ford Police Explorer for sale". I found car dealers that sell demo units or Department trade in vehicles. I also put in an email search on that's how I found my Utility. I get a daily email with dealers who have them for sale. I flew out to Utah and drove home to California. Good Luck:salute:

Problem is from his statement of will Ford sell them I infer he wants to buy a new one, not a used one.

I'd bet ford sells the neccesary parts to convert to a column shift truck

If a dealer sells new Police vehicles to the general Public they risk a breach of the franchise agreement with Ford. Its a big risk for such little profit. Ford Fleet Management take that very seriously. Used is a different story. Exceptions have been made on a case by case basis for things like volunteer Firefighters, Search & Rescue, etc etc.

Ford is not selling a new Utility to the public period. I've tried trust me. Right a Serramonte Ford is sitting on about 62 new Utilities refused by the San Francisco Police Department. I spoke the fleet salesman and under no circumstances will they sell a new truck than the LE or municipalities. Thats why I went the used route and i'm quite happy with it.:salute:

Trust me, I had letters and credentials, and I had to go 1700 miles away to find a dealer demo on the lot to get one in a timely manner.


Mine is used, by me only, at 18.9K miles, and for sale here, on this website:
2014 Police Interceptor Utility for sale.

I guess you meant 'column shifter'.

Does anybody know if Ford will sell a Police Interceptor Utility to anyone? I'm looking for an SUV with a column shifter that's not going to completely break the bank such as a Tahoe or Suburban. I want a console shifter because I've upfitted a fair amount of radio equipment and lights in my current vehicle.

Does anybody know if Ford will sell a Police Interceptor Utility to anyone? I'm looking for an SUV with a column shifter that's not going to completely break the bank such as a Tahoe or Suburban. I want a console shifter because I've upfitted a fair amount of radio equipment and lights in my current vehicle.

My buddy for weeks has been looking for a late model Utility as he only wanted a column shifter..He found a couple but they were at very shady used car dealers that could not provide service records or any other info about them..He ended up getting a 1 owner 2013 Suburban for 30K bucks.

Just an FYI.... Kunes Country Ford in Delevan WI usually has some damn good dealer demos under 10k miles on hand

Just an FYI.... Kunes Country Ford in Delevan WI usually has some damn good dealer demos under 10k miles on hand

This is where I bought Mine. 2014 White Ford Police Interceptor with 1125 miles on it. It's amazing.

Be weary though, according to Car and Driver the 2016 police Explorer is an inch lower than the civilian models, not sure if it pertains to the 2011-2015 models but it's definitely worth looking into specially as the Explorer is already low for an SUV

Be weary though, according to Car and Driver the 2016 police Explorer is an inch lower than the civilian models, not sure if it pertains to the 2011-2015 models but it's definitely worth looking into specially as the Explorer is already low for an SUV

The Sport and Utility sit 20mm lower than the other models, its part of the "Sport Tuned " suspension set up.

As long as this is on the top, I have a question about the PIs:

I know they have the gearshift on the column, so where is the stalk that controls the wipers? I haven't seen the interior of one of these close up so I've been wondering.


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