How To: Ranger 2.3L-2.5L Spark Plug Change | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To: Ranger 2.3L-2.5L Spark Plug Change


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
...All the information supplied and the work done was done on, and for, my 95 4 cylinder, 8 plug, Ford Ranger..There may be differences in your model or year but this is what I needed and how I do it..

..You do not need to remove the upper intake and with a little creativity, it's really not that hard of a job..:hammer:

...These 4 cylinder motors are particular to what plugs they run and generally call for Double Platinum plugs while later models do call for Iridium plugs..Motorcraft Spark plugs are first choice but due to cost difference, Autolite plugs are commonly substituted..

Getting the info you need

..Most of us have bought used vehicles or have had others do the maintenance work on our vehicles so pulling the old plugs out and running to the parts store to get them matched may be a poor choice for your vehicle..

..Before you run out to get plugs and wires, find out what plugs you do need for your vehicle..Most all of this information can be found under the hood within stickers that are placed on your radiator core support..;)

..This information is particular to your individual vehicle and will save you from getting general information from your parts dealers..

Vehicle information and Vacuum diagram..

Enlarged view of the vehicle information..

Enlarged view of the plug information.
This is where you find what type of plug and it's gap..

..and as a Bonus I'm including the 2.3L serpentine belt with A/C diagram..

..You will notice the following information of the enlarged view of the plug information that it calls for:

Spark Plug - AWSF-32PP
Gap - .042-.046

When using the Autolite Competitor Cross reference for these, this is what comes up..It shows the original part number to be a Motorcraft plug and their options to that plug..


For more information on a particular plug you can click on their part number and get actual part details to that particular plug..(Although not shown, it also shows all vehicles this plug cross references with)

...With this info in hand I made it out to the parts store and got the parts I needed for this swap..

(Note: a single "P" on plugs denotes Platinum while a double "PP" represents double platinum)

..I get lifetime warranty on these Bosch wires PN 09765 and after five years they are due for a chainge..

The Plugs I got are the Autolite APP104's..

..While I'm picking up plugs you will notice in the above picture 1 package of anti seize for the spark plug installation and also 1 package of a spark plug boot protector..

..Although almost all wires now come already prepped with boot protector on each end, I have in the past ran in to boots missing this product on one end of a wire and it helps to be prepared..BTW, these packets only cost .99 cents a pack and are worth a small fortune in repairs if you don't use them..

..A common issue of not using anti seize on plugs are breaking plugs when later trying to do a plug swap..

..The boot protector locks out moisture and prevents wild arcing as shown in this video..(you can also get these arcs on the other end of the wire if the boots don't have this sealant on them)


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On to the Spark Plug Change

Tools needed

Plan on 2-3 hours if this is your first time doing this and you can do it in about an hour the next time..

1- 5/16 socket for intake removal
1- 3/8" ratchet
1- 5/8" spark plug socket w/ rubber insert (to hold plug securely)
1- 9 inch extension
1- 6 inch extensions for your 3/8ths inch socket wrench.
1- 3 inch extension for your 3/8ths inch socket wrench.
1- 3/8" swivel
1- small flat head screw driver.
1-needle nose pliers
1- spark plug gauge
Small rope for slip knot..:D

..These 4 cylinders have 2 sets of plugs (a total of 8 plugs)...The lower four on the passenger side are for combustion while the upper 4 plugs on the drivers side are for the secondary burn during the exhaust of the 4 stroke cycle.

Note:..Several books say if you are only going to change 4 plugs, the upper drivers side plugs are to be exchanged first. (I'm not sure why anyone would want to only change four plugs)..:dunno:

..Since I'm changing all 8, I like to start with the easy ones first..:D

Passenger side

..This is the passenger side aka, the easy side..

It becomes a lot easier to reach these four plugs and you gain a lot more room to work as soon as you remove the intake tube and breather tube..:biggthump

..Starting from the front to the rear I count the plugs 1-4...I start at the front (1) and work my way to the back (4) on the passenger side swapping plugs and at the same time swapping in the appropriate (matching length) wire to the coil pack..This side wires all go to the rear coil pack..

..I only needed the 3 or the six inch extensions on this side..The only thing on this side you have to be careful of working around is the EGR and it's electrical and vacuum connections by #4 plug.

..This is a picture of how these wires boots come..These are the spark plug ends..The upper 2 shown go 4 on the passenger side and 1 on the drivers side (total of 5), and the lower 3 shown (Total of 3 in pack) will be discussed below on "Drivers side" as they go on #2'#3,#4..

..This is a picture using a common gap tool and this is how I achieve .046 gap on my plugs (shown)..

..Before installing the plug this is one with the anti seize on it..A little more than what I normally use but you get the idea of just coating the threads..;)


Drivers side

...Make sure you have your extensions, swivel, string, needle-nose pliers at your ready..:hammer:

..On this truck (with the A/C) it is very hard to reach in to pull the plug boot even if you have a pair of long handled spark plug boot pullers..That is why I did not mention it on the tools list...This is where the small rope gets used..

Note:.. The actual cylinder you may need to use this slip knot on may vary due to others relocating different wires in different locations when previously changing these plugs..

..Make a slip knot around the spark plug boot (not the wire) and easily pull the boot straight off..

Note:..Extra care should be used on this side when removing the plugs themself as in other electrical and vacuum lines in this area...Extra care also need to be taken when re-installing the plugs..."Finger start" each plug carefully as they are tapered nd the holes are at an angle..

..Now using one of these setups, 6" and 3" extensions and swivel or the 9" with swivel or...Well here are some ideas on configurations needed to pull these 4 driver side plugs out..The swivel seems to only be needed on 1 and 4..



..This is the hole shot of getting in to get the first plug out..

..This is another view of getting to plug #1..

..This is the locations to enter on #2 and #3..Right thru the 2 openings in the upper intake..This is where the fun really begins so be patient and careful..;)

This is a pic of getting into #4 and is similar to #2 and #3..

..Now is the time you find your pliers..

..Ok kiddies..How many of you remember playing the game "Operation"?..Getting to plugs #2,3,4 on this side reminds me a lot of that game..

...You will first be using the needle nose pliers to reach in the upper intake manifold to grab and pull out the "J hooks" attached to these last wires...This is what they look like when removed..

...With the small flat head screwdriver, insert it in the 4 clips and gently pry them open..Mine were real easy to remove from the old wires and re-install on the new wires..

..another shot of what they look like attached...Be careful with these as I'm not sure at this time where to get replacements other than the junk yard..

..:scratch:..After re-installing you are all done and are ready for a well deserved break..:D

Thank you so much for this! As crazy a job it is to replace the plugs on this engine, I'm surprised there aren't more guides like it out there. There I thought doing a tune-up would be easier on my 4cyl ranger than it was on my 6cyl explorer... what a rip! lol

..Glad you found it useful..:salute:

..Ill keep adding threads for the 2.3L as I go and' can't find info elswhere either..

I often come back to these threads as a refresher of how to do it myself...:D

..Bumpin to the top per request.:D
