how to remove camber adjusters? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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how to remove camber adjusters?

little x

Explorer Addict
March 21, 2005
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'91 XL
I'm trying to replace my ball joints. I have removed the pinch bolt. And the nut easily turns to adjust camber. But I need to take it off. I've removed the snap ring. But for all the pulling, banging, and prying that I do I can't get the camber adjuster to come out. My manual says something about a special puller? Do I need this? If so could someone describe the puller? Are there any other methods to use with out buying this puller? Thanks, I'm stumped.

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No puller is needed.. The camber bushing simply goes out the top.. you can use some srew drivers to get under the edge and tap/pry it up... The bushings are very stout so you will not damage them.

I've tryed prying it up and out, I can't seem to get it to budge.

I'm on yahoo so you can IM me for quicker response... I tried to IM you but you don't have anything listed.. :(

The bushing is seen in the pic below.. I it is turning freely then your just about there.. Try taking a large screw driver in between the pinch bolt and try spreading it alittle while you try and pry the bushing up..


Try taking a large screw driver in between the pinch bolt and try spreading it alittle while you try and pry the bushing up.


There is plenty of room on the outside of the bushing. It doesn't help to spread that apart. The problem is that while yourse are nice and clean mine is nice and rusted together. I think the problem is that the adjustment bushing is stuck onto the ball joint shaft that goes through it. I'm going to go see if there is a puller at the store that might work.

The problem is that while yourse are nice and clean mine is nice and rusted together.

they did not start that way doda :confused: you think i got the new ones in there ? the old ones just go away ? yes there on there good , twest them back and forth, bang on them with a hamer, use wd40 on them, they wll come out ! :salute:

If you have an air hammer try that, thats what i do or i use a puller.

Here is what I use. It comes in handy. I ordered it through my Snapon dealer. Its made by OTC products. Cant remember how much it was. wasnt to much though.


Pughman, I'm just saying that mine is on there extra good after a little 4x4 accident that left my front end in the ocean for about 5 hours. :eek: :roll:

:confused: hahahahaha...

To paraphrase a college dorm-mate of mine (OK, 20 years ago but who's counting), "When in doubt, torch it out!" Before you ask, yes, he was baked 24/7...

Anyway, I've successfully used heat to loosen suspension parts that refused to give many times. You obviously need to be careful about brake lines, etc. Just add heat with a propane torch, get it as hot as you can, and keep banging/prying, etc. Add more heat and repeat until it gives.

Good luck!


Ok.. the problem appears to be related to you taking the Explorer for a 5 hour ocean swim :roll: I would soak the bushing and shaft with PB Blaster then proceed to use an adjustable wrench to turn the bushing while slowly prying up on the bushing :hammer: ... Turning and prying will allow you to feel when it binds; when it does turning with the wrench should grind through the rust causing the bind. I would also try using a pickle fork to free the lower ball joint (make sure the castle nut is still on the lower ball joint to prevent the spindle from completely falling off and landing on your foot :eek:
