How to replace real wheel bearing '02 XLT? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to replace real wheel bearing '02 XLT?

Sun Diego

May 31, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Hi everyone, I have an '02 Ford XLT 4x4 and the right rear wheel has developed a low level humming noise. Might be the tire, but I have a feeling it is a wheel bearing.

Is this an easy fix for someone with moderate mech skills, .....and is there a post where someone has already walked through the process? I saw a few post for front wheel bearings, but not rear wheel bearings.

Or is this something best left for the dealer?

Thanks everyone, and FLYNAVY!

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There kind of a pain in the ass and you will need a slide hammer to get them out but if u have the tools and a repair manual you will be ok

Slide hammer? I had a hard time with a 12ton press.

I bought a 12 ton press and my bearings came out easy, the hardest part was holding everything square in the press, I had to use 6" steel plates to raise the hub up 6 inches so the bearing would could be pressed out.

You folks are awesome. Thanks for the replies.

Wonder how much would a dealer charge for this?

I kinda like the challege of doing it.....what the heck, I'm in.

My mechanic uses sawzall to cut the bearing, before he presses the old bearing out. He charged me 2-hours labor, yesterday. I would get the hub and bearing.

no way you can cut off these bearings,

My mechanic uses sawzall to cut the bearing, before he presses the old bearing out. He charged me 2-hours labor, yesterday. I would get the hub and bearing.

Some times the inner races come out and leave the outer race in the hub. Using a sawzall to cut the outer race will make it easier to remove from the hub.

You dont cut them in half, you use the sawzall to knotch them, which make them easier to press out.

I would think that heating the race with a torch would be much easier then a sawzall but what ever works for you.

dealer charged me 300$ a side. They had it done with in a hour and half.

I am capable of doing the rears but too many things could go wrong so I took it in.

I did the front bearings.

good luck
