humming/whining while acceleration at all times now | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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humming/whining while acceleration at all times now


Active Member
February 25, 2006
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92 xlt 4dr
i really need some help here, as i have no clue as to what the problem is.

1st off, i had a new engine put in about 27,000 miles ago, ever since the new engine anytime i would start the truck after it has been sitting for atleast an hour, it would have this humming sound for about the first 15 seconds of driving, and after a little bit of acceleration the noise would go away completely until the next time i drove it after sitting for a period of time.

i didnt know what it was and it went away after what i thought to be the engine heating up a little.

but all of a sudden, now the humming noise is constant when i have my foot on the accelerator. whether i am driving 5 min or 1 hour anytime i push on the accelerator the truck is kind of slow trying to accelerate and has this humming or somewhat whining sound.

if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. also if we cannot figure this out together, sometime this week i will buy a little tape recorder and try to record the noise im getting.

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Where is the noise coming from? This may be a dumb question but, is coming from the car speakers? If thats the case you may just have and improper ground somewhere.

no, not from the speakers, coming from under the hood somewhere...

also it doesnt happen when idling.

the humming/whinning is alot louder than the humming that would be coming from speakers. you can hear the humming echoing off buildings and other cars.

also performance is lacking, it doesnt want to accelerate very fast.

I would check the air filter, and also see if there are any open seams or cracks anywhere on your intake system. Also while you're in there look to see if anything stuck where it shouldnt be. You never know it could be something simple.

i will check, thanks for the tips.

if anyone else knows of what this could be ,please post as any info will help

i was just outside trying to find where the humming was coming from and when i press the throttle from under the hood, it actually sounds like it is coming from the engine or the fan. I just got a new radiator put in about a month ago, dont know if that has anything to do with the problem or not. also, just replaced the fuel filter, air filter and new plugs and wires about 3 weeks ago

i was just going to post that your fan clutch needs to be replaced and after reading your last post i would say that is the problem.

it causes a drain on the engine and it is making noise.

take serp belt off and with it removed start engine and go for a short drive.

hey, just got off work and am going to bed, will try taking off serpentine belt when i wake up, also read that i can try spinning the fan and if it spins several times then that is a good sign clutch is bad.

also, since you mentioned the fan clutch. it made me think , when i was looking under the hood yesterday, the fan was running ever since i started the truck. it didnt stop once and i had it running for about 30 min. like i said previously that the truck would only make the noise before when i first started the truck and started driving for about 15 seconds or so, and then seldomly after leaving a red light i would hear the noise for about 15 seconds or so. but now it is constant and the fan constantly runs.

is it still the fan clutch if the fan doesnt stop running?

radiator, radiator hoses, and thermostat were all replaced at the same time about 3 weeks ago.

i put my money on the fan clutch being bad.

do serp. belt removal and test.

just wanted to update,

have not had the time yet to take off serpentine belt and see if that fixes prob.

i tried spinning the fan with the truck off and it only moves about 4 inches, it has a lot of resistance which i believe is a good sign, from what i was reading, was that if you try and spin it and it spins 3 or more complete times, then your fan clutch was bad.

from ford service manual:

fan clutch test:

spin the fan. a light resistance should be felt. if there is no resistance or very high resistance, the minimum resistance must be checked as follows.

than it goes into checking with a strobe light at 1500 rps.

to much to type in.

i would replace it.

i think it sounds from what you say to have too much resistance.

Hi, I just wanted to mention that a bad bearing in the water pump can cause a humming noise, are you leaking coolant?

My buddies power steering pump hummed and whinned until it was changed. Pull that belt of and see what you have.

hi, the power steering pump is new, put it on about 2 years ago, not leaking and still working good.

the water pump is also 2 years new and was put on the same time the new crate engine was installed.

there is some sort of oil down on the sway bar and the bushing in and around that area, also on the water pump a little.

it has a new radiator put on 2 months ago, new fan blade put on 2 years ago.

new fuel pump 2 years ago, new fuel filter 1 month ago, new plugs and wires 1 month ago.

have to go to work right now, but took pics of everything i will post in the am.


took truck to shop and they said the fan clutch is ok, but they also said the truck always did and always will make the loud humming/whining sound while accelerating.

i tried to explain that it did not do it before and that something is wrong.

also filled up tank to very top, drove less than 100 miles and am sitting on 1/4 tank, usually get 350 to a tank.

the humming stopped for about an hour the other day and acceleration came back to normal and everything worked great but then humming/whining came back.

boggs down when trying to accelerate when humming is present

maybe an intake leak...

I hate shops say stupid things like that.
