I need help locating the stereo fuse. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I need help locating the stereo fuse.


New Member
February 25, 2010
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1998 explorer
I recently had a stock radio w/cd and cassette stolen from my 1998 explorer. I had another unit available but when I installed it no sound came from the speakers. I bought a new unit thinking that the radio was defective and the same problem occurred. Something must have happened
when the first unit was pulled out. I thought it may be a radio speaker amplifier fuse but can't find it on the fuse box. Is it located somewhere else? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Bob

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Welcome to this forum! I've renamed your thread, and moved it into the audio & navigation section. Your owner's manual should tell you which fuse it is. # 13 in my list of useful threads has a link in post # 2 to download an owner's manual.

i got a 97 xlt and the fuse # is 1(30amps)

Welcome to this forum! I've renamed your thread, and moved it into the audio & navigation section. Your owner's manual should tell you which fuse it is. # 13 in my list of useful threads has a link in post # 2 to download an owner's manual.

Thanks so much for your help


i got a 97 xlt and the fuse # is 1(30amps)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it. Although I'm still having a problem locating the fuise. There are no thirty amp fuses and none that are for a speaker amp located in the iterior fuse panal. Would you know where else it may be? Thanks again for any help. Bob
