I need help...Someone PLEASE!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I need help...Someone PLEASE!!


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December 19, 2013
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1996 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I bought a 96 eddie bauer that had an aftermarket alarm installed in it.It ran fine but had no low beam headlights. After inspecting under the dash I discovered a wiring mess. having no remote keypads for the alarm i removed it..All of the wiring was pigtailed to the factory wiring harness so there was no resplicing of any wires but after removing it the vehicle wouldnt start. I got it to start by switching the hot wire to the the top connector on the ignition module but now it idles fast and the gauges are dead. I put a scanner on it and it said the start up procedure could not be completed..i need some advice on what to do....

The aftermarket alarm had a starter kill. You basically got the car started by hot wiring it, but you didn't do it properly, so you're not sending power to the right places.

Take it in to a professional to have the alarm removed properly. There is most definitely a starter kill relay that you failed to notice.

Have the alarm wiring crap removed by somebody who is professional.
