Icecube498's 2005 Explorer XLT 4X4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Icecube498's 2005 Explorer XLT 4X4

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Explorer Addict
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Gillette, Wyoming
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Wrangler, 08 Ranger
NHarris's 2005 Explorer XLT 4X4

Hey all, I did change my username, so it may appear as icecube498 still...

Finally decided to post myself a explorer registry page. Here's my X, so far...
Its a 2005 Ford Explorer XLT with 4wd. I bought it on Friday July 9th, 2010. It had 60K miles when I purchased it. It now has 62K. So far I love having it. Gas mileage isn't so great, but I knew that when I purchased it. The next mod is clear corners.

Day I bought it,

First Mod...An upper billet grille and a lower billet grille

Her first mud bath, with added clear corners and no running boards

Pics back up!
See Post #10 for the latest additions! EDIT: Now see below...

Future Plans, TRUXXX lift kit, Cragar Soft 8's or some new wheels, tail light guards, LED tail lights, black headlights, and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of. Any comments or suggstions are welcome.

EDIT: Update! :)
Well, now I have a few new things...
4th gen mirrors, bull bar, with AUX lights, I'm back to the OEM corners, painted the grilles black, and I have 5 new GoodYear Wrangler ArmorTrac Tires in 245/70


I went with a magnaflow Exhaust!


Cold Air Intake

Pioneer Head Unit

TB spacer mod

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lookin good keep up good work

Thanks. Its a great explorer so far. I'd say I prefer my 98, just 'cause the differential doesn't whine and have problems like this X has.

Nate, I like the direction you are going with the Ex. Looks really clean.

What kinds of problems are you having with the truck? I also had a 98 (Sport) and replaced it with an 05 (Eddie Bauer). I miss the 98, it was fun, but always had to fix something. My 05 has been 2 years problem free. And I mean totally problem free. I love my 3rd Gen and have not looked back.

Nate, I like the direction you are going with the Ex. Looks really clean.

What kinds of problems are you having with the truck? I also had a 98 (Sport) and replaced it with an 05 (Eddie Bauer). I miss the 98, it was fun, but always had to fix something. My 05 has been 2 years problem free. And I mean totally problem free. I love my 3rd Gen and have not looked back.

--Well for me its just a bunch of little things and a few major things. First, the anti-theft system is dead. The differential is whining like a baby. Lumbar broke :D (my fault). Its just those things. Besides that its a wonderful explorer.
--Yeah tell me about fixing the 98's. On mine: From a new head gasket to a rebuilt transmission to a basically new front-end suspension. And the one thing irritating me the most about my 98...a popping noise coming out of the front end. :mad: No one knows where its coming from, but its done it for years now.

Here's my intake in the works: its got a gap up where it joins the airbox, so I'm working on an adapter. I got the airbox mod done on it, just need the high flow K&N drop-in filter.
Finished product in first post

Nice looking X, but more importantly, I envy your scenery. I would gladly give you Tuesday (Raleigh City) for a mountain today. mod done! Cold Air intake attached to airbox with airbox mod :D
Moved pictures up to the top :thumbsup:

Update! :)
Well, now I have a few new things...
4th gen mirrors, bull bar, with AUX lights, I'm back to the OEM corners, painted the grilles black, and I have 5 new GoodYear Wrangler ArmorTrac Tires in 245/70


I went with a magnaflow Exhaust!


Cold Air Intake

Pioneer Head Unit

TB spacer mod

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