Idle Stalling, a better defined problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Idle Stalling, a better defined problem

Wade Lippman

Active Member
February 2, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsford NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport
I posted before about my 99 automatic stalling when cold started. I was told it was probably either a bad IAC or manifold o-ring.
My dealer says it is just out of tune, and not covered by his complete warranty.

I have better defined the problem. Maybe that will lead to a better defined answer.

When I start it, it goes to 1,500rpm and starts dropping down. Unless I give it gas, it stalls at about 500rpm. I have to keep giving it gas to avoid stalling. Takes several minutes, but once it warms up, it stabilizes at about 900rpm.

BUT... If I can get it into gear before it stalls, it only drops to 1,100 rpm and does not stall. That seems like it ought to be a clue.


From's main menu I followed the directions at the bottom of Explorer Tips (Fix for a Missing Engine) and it mostly solved my problems; i.e. my idle is 97% constant. I was just stalling in left turn lanes and driving two footed just to keep going. Cleaning the MAF has not only fixed my idle, I've got better performance in general. Naturally over $500 had been spent trying to shoot this problem. Sorry if you've already tried or heard this :confused:
