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I'm back!


Well-Known Member
June 16, 2001
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City, State
Jacksonville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT 5.0L
I'm back to the explorerforum! I've been at Marine Corps boot camp and just graduated yesterday. Anything new and exciting happened to the explorer group?

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Boot camp.

Hey congrats on the graduation. Feels alot better once your done huh (navy). Thats cool you got to go on leave after boot camp..Not me. But i was in boot camp on sep 11 so that was a diff. story also. Well the site is growing huge and everbody and thier dog are doing a s.a.s. these days..

V8BoatBuilder went to tru 4wd for pretty cheap $. He's using a 4406 tcase. So you're next. :cool:

Welcome back. :)

I picked up some torque monster headers and glass fenders the other day. Those are going in tomorrow. Gonna get crackin on my 4wd and sas on my leave.

Fusion213 said:
I picked up some torque monster headers and glass fenders the other day. Those are going in tomorrow. Gonna get crackin on my 4wd and sas on my leave.

TM headers and true 4x4... Hmm.. I think you just want to be Section and I! :D

Welcome back, and congrats - all the 4x4 swap info is in the original thread.
