Im looking at a Ford Excursion!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Im looking at a Ford Excursion!!!


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
October 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Pulaski, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Explorer/2002 F-250
Hey guys,

Im getting ready to look for a Ford Excursion. I plan on getting one in april of 08 and i want to start looking info.

What should i look for? Is there a bad year of production? Best engine package?

So if you could i would like to know what all yll know.

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I would get the lowest mileage 7.3 you could find. Since the Excursions never went to a coil suspension, there's no real point in gambling on the 6.0L.

But I don't know a whole lot about them.

Just curious...

Why the switch? or is this an additional vehicle? What interests you most about that particular vehicle? I'm curious because I'm looking at other vehicles too, but not that one yet... sounds like you've done research on it. Any dislikes about it?

Well this is going to be my DD. The way i look at it i could get a F-250. The Excursion just fits me. I love any suv. Its actually between the two.

I like that it has a huge ammount of room. Plenty of seating and a ton of storage space. Just what i need.

I need something that i can tow the explorer with and make distance trips like badlands and one day like moab or truckhaven.

The thing that really intrest me in this is that i fell in love with them when they were introduced in 1999 for the production year of 2000. There just big and massave. With mileage like 14-19 on hwy ill be happy. Im not a gas mileage freak and dont want to be. There is more to life than gas mileage. Ill pay to be happy.

If you're an SUV man get the Excursion, hell all it is, is an SUV version F250

I'm getting a shell to run on my F250 for the winter. It's pretty much a must-have if you're traveling with four people and their junk... and it's raining/snowing. That's whats nice about the Excursion. You have the option to remove a bunch of seats for a ton of weather-proof, secure storage. Or you can keep all the seats in and put the majority of your little sister's cheerleading squad in the back.

Plus, Excursions seem to be a lot less expensive then the comparable F250. So, if you get a small utility trailer for the Excursion, you can do anything the Superduty can do and more. :cool:

My thought exactly...

Im finding them for 8000-12000 used with pretty good mileage

I was contemplating an Excursion before I bought the van, but obviously the van won. There is much more versatility with the van, as it's the ultimate SUV. If it was diesel it would be the sweetest ride there is for all of your purposes you mentioned. The wheelbase is the same so driving/parking isn't really a big deal, it comes in diesel, there are more seating arrangements possible and it tows great.

Plus when you own the Drive-In know... ;)


Good luck finding the one you want though. :thumbsup:

Besides all the known problems with the 6.0 the only complaint I have ever had on a Ford F250 or Excursion has been door look actuators go out on the 00 and 01s, I've had that issue my 99 and both 2000s.

Other than that, they rock.

I'm liking the 4wd van idea, just a smaller resale market.

I'm getting a shell to run on my F250 for the winter

What do you mean winter? I wear shorts & short sleeve shirts when it's colder than your "winter":D

Dang sissy Californian.:p:

What do you mean winter? I wear shorts & short sleeve shirts when it's colder than your "winter":D

Dang sissy Californian.:p:

Califorina isn't a drive across the state in 3 hours type of place.

Same month...

Northern, CA.


Southern, CA.


I thought about a van but i dont know that i want to drive a van every day without towing the explorer. I guess thats a looks thing for me.

That's understandable. I could care less if people think I'm a camp councelor, ice cream man or creepy guy, it does what I need. Plus when I'm done with it, it will look saweeeet!!

Like I said, I almost bought an excursion instead, but found the van to be more suitable to my needs.

Your van will be sweet. I was likeing the paint idea for the van and explorer.

You're not going to get close to 19 mpg unless you get the diesel. It is based on the F-250, but it's heavier. You'll only get about 13 mpg with the V10 gas version, not even towing anything. Not exactly what I would consider a DD, but it's your wallet. At least you should be able to get a good deal on one, especially the V10.

Oh its gonna be the diesel version i just dont know about the 7.3 or 6.0 part yet ha ha

Oh its gonna be the diesel version i just dont know about the 7.3 or 6.0 part yet ha ha

The 6.0 diesel has had many problems since the day it was introduced.

The older 7.3 is a genuine workhorse and it is the motor that Ford made its reputation on. A well maintained 7.3 is good for 500K miles EASY.

I just sold a Super Duty F250 CC 7.3 PDS that had given me 280,000 trouble free miles. I bought it new in Jan '99.

I often towed 10,000 pounds with it and used it for my daily driver. It would deliver 21-22 mpg @ 70-75 mph unloaded and give an honest 14-15 mpg towing my boat (7500 pounds) at 70 mph down the Interstate. I added a Banks "Power Pack" when the truck was new. What a deal, more power and better mileage.....not many mods like that huh?

Go with a 2002 Excursion with the 7.3 and you should get something like 19-20 mpg on the highway not towing.

7.3's are somewhat noisy but they just will not stop running. I cant say the same for the 6.0's or the new 6.4's.


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Did you get one yet Burns? I do like them, admire them, but they are huge. I saw the underside of one long ago, the steering arms are massive. It's a great towing or traveling vehicle.
