Improving 5.0L fuel economy for towing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Improving 5.0L fuel economy for towing


New Member
March 3, 2013
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Dear Members,
What 2000 Explorer mods are the most effective and cost efficient to improve the fuel economy of the 5.0L V8? I am highway towing a 2,000 lb boat trailer. Better, (higher torque - smaller Ex valve) cylinder head? Higher compression? Aftermarket chip? Better flowing intake and exhaust? Other suggestions?

how far do you want to dig in, and how much are you willing to spend? some guys have bought torque monster headers, and say they have gained 1-2 mpgs with them (and more power). also, a lot of people have also swapped in a bw 4406 manual transfer case with mileage gains, as well as you also would have the ability to go into 2wd, 4wd, and 4low and not have to have all wheel drive any longer.
here is a thread on the transfer case swap. its not to bad to do, and if you have all the parts it can be done in a day or two as well

Improving 5.0L Fuel Economy

Thanks for the tip and "how to" link. I believe the vehicle is a 2WD.
