Improving headlight output | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Improving headlight output


Well-Known Member
July 24, 2011
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City, State
Shelton, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Limited(lemon swap)
I know there have been a ton of threads on here about the headlights.

I have the OEM HID's, and I'm not impressed with them. I could retrofit a new set of projectors into the headlight housing, but I don't think I want to deal with it as I've done it on previous vehicles, and it's a pain. I could also buy a second set of headlight housings and have those done, and then swap them and sell the ones I currently have for probably quite a bit.

But I was thinking about retrofiting a set of HID foglights to replace the stock foglights. Best way to do it would be to order a set of the oem lights, and try to mod them in case something goes wrong, I won't have messed up my car.

Anyone look into this? Or does anyone have a link to buy a set of oem foglights?

I would like to see more output as well, I was considering changing the bulbs to a brighter temp. I believe the oems are 5k, I would prefer 8K.

Swapped my halogen headlight bulbs to HB3 6000k HIDs with 55w ballasts
and my foglight bulbs to H11 6000k HIDs with 35w ballasts purchased from DDM Tuning. Huge difference. Had them for about 4 months now, still working just fine. Definitely brighter than stock HIDs on my Acura.
