Independence Day weekend event? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Independence Day weekend event?


Explorer Addict
December 14, 2002
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'06 Mazdaspeed6 GT
I'm going to propose a possible 4th of july event for anyone who may be able to take a 4-day weekend (the 4th is on a Tuesday; I may be able to get the Monday off) or will still be around if taking a week's vacation that week. I'm thinking of either a Cape Cod beach run, or a camping trip up to Groton State Forest like I hoped to get going last fall. Maybe something else; at this point I'm open to suggestions. Personally, I still would like to tackle hiking up Camel's Hump up in VT, which I've wanted to do since high school, but never did. It's a strenuous hike, not for those who are too out of shape or unprepared. (I'll bet Matt's and my friend Dan would also jump at the opportunity to go hiking. :) )

Groton, however, is full of mountains and other hiking trails, from tame to moderate, as well as lots of boating, fishing, kayaking, sailing, swimming, etc for the whole family. Campsites are available for tents and campers, and there are also fairly sturdy well-kept leantos, each site with a grill or firepit. Some sites also have showers and bathrooms closeby. Hiking trails are well marked and well maintained. (Vermont is proud of its state parks.) Temporary fishing licenses are available from the nearby general store at modest prices. My dad took us kids to the forest several times and we always had a good time. Since there are actually 7 state parks within the forest, I'm having a tough time finding a central source of information, but I'll post what I find. So far I have the Vermont State Parks site; from here, click any park from Boulder Beach (20) to Big Deer (27a). They're all within the State Forest. I know it's not always/ever free to get in, but that's another thing I'll try and post up.

Please add any comments or suggestions.


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I would really like us to do a off road run and camp out. Maybe Bridport?

Where the heck is that?

Bridgewater? Pay attention, wouldja?? :P

That may require some more trail scouting. We didn't find a whole helluva lot for trails last time. We found a promising one, but were denied by a tree laying over the trail. If anyone has an axe, hand saw, or small chainsaw, I'd suggest bringing them.

Invest in a battery powered sawzall. They work pretty slick! :D I can check into some trails around where my camp is in Mendon. It depends on how much logging is going on. :) Later - Nate

I like the idea of going to Groton State Forest, it sounds like a lot of fun, Cape Cod too. As far as the hike up Camel's Hump....count me out, that's a bit much for someone with limited mobility. If you do go Ike, get some nice pictures.

Hey Nate.....where's Mendon? I hope you will be able to attend one of the events I go to since I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet

Kettle Pond Park looks like a good choice; my dad called today and recommended it. One key aspect is that there are lean-to sites divided into groups so no one has to be seperated too much. (Except Dan, he likes to be by himself; many woodchucks can be anti-social like that. :p ) Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?

Looks nice, I wouldn't mind going there. Let me know about prices though Besides price, the only problem I forsee is that of not being able to get the Monday before off.

He says usually going before May or something is often free, but I don't see a trip being coordinated that quickly.

But if one IS......

Yeah, usually the parks don't open until Memorial day. Before that they are not staffed, have limited services, and therefore are FREE! :) Camel's Hump hike can be done any time. What ever you guys decide count me in.

izackary said:
He says usually going before May or something is often free, but I don't see a trip being coordinated that quickly.

But if one IS......

Hey look who finally came outta the trees to jion us in the forums again.

green_mtns said:
Yeah, usually the parks don't open until Memorial day. Before that they are not staffed, have limited services, and therefore are FREE! :) Camel's Hump hike can be done any time. What ever you guys decide count me in.


Check it out, Dan just doubled his post count!! Way to be!! :D

Welcome back Dan :thumbsup:

izackary said:

Check it out, Dan just doubled his post count!! Way to be!! :D
Way to go Dan... It would take me several years to double my post count :D
I'm open depending on the date.. I'm planning on going to attic and crozet for the anniversary runs in mid June so any run in June may be out for me..

June is also out fo me too! I'm gettin' hitched and leaving the country! We are going on a cruise to some hot, non-english speaking , and aquatic regions. I was hoping to go back to the U.K. and visit some places I missed when I was stationed there. Oh Well! Later - Nate.

Congrats. Woodchuck will become a wood man. (Or something.) :p

What ever you guys decide, I'll be there.

:bounce: <--- Mildly amusing :D

Looks like I'll be able to go, all I have to do is give enough notice to take a personal day. So when everything is definitely decided, let me know so I can get the time off. :thumbsup:

Nate - Congrats on your upcoming wedding. I wish you tons of happiness

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Thanks everyone for the good wishes. :D I went out on a trail last night, it was probably a intermediate level trail. :p It goes for about 1.5 - 2.5 miles before there is another access into it, then it turns to the right. I'll have to check it out some more when I get a chance. It was a pretty cool run though. Later - Nate
