intermittent P0401 & P0402 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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intermittent P0401 & P0402


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
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City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
Getting intermittent P0401 & P0402 codes. I'm guessing this means the pressure feedback sensor is shot. Am I right in this assumption?

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One is excessive and the other is insufficient egr flow. Because it's intermitant I'd remove the egr valve and give it a good cleaning to be sure it's opening and closing properly.

One is excessive and the other is insufficient egr flow. Because it's intermitant I'd remove the egr valve and give it a good cleaning to be sure it's opening and closing properly.

It's intermittent in the sense that certain time sthe MIL illuminates its a 401 and others it's a 402.

That's why I'd clean it. At times it could be hard to open and then when it does it's not sealing. It's free to check it and then you can rule that out.
