Is a Rear Air Deflector Cool and Do These Mud flaps Make My Rear Look Fat? (Trying to minimize getting road gunk on the rear of my X) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is a Rear Air Deflector Cool and Do These Mud flaps Make My Rear Look Fat? (Trying to minimize getting road gunk on the rear of my X)


Elite Explorer
December 6, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Montrose, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 X-Edge
I am hoping to reduce the blow back on the rear window. The road gunk/dirt/snow/magnesium chloride builds fast and makes a mess of the rear of the vehicle. Getting gear in and out can be a challenge to stay clean and perhaps the rear window will stay cleaner longer. Anyone know of a good rear window deflector???

I added to the road gunk by cutting the rear quarters up and removing the bumper. I still need to complete my custom bumper by adding two more end pieces...............another day. The road gunk has been building-up faster on my rig as the stock bumper used to catch a good deal of it.


I used an old bed frame for the thin angle iron to make "L" mounts and got me some mud flaps from Napa. I welded one leg of the L to the body/inner fender and ran a bolt through the outer fender and mount. I wanted them spaced back from the fender opening slightly for tire clearance, not so long that they could get wound-up by the tire in reverse, and wanted them in front of the exhaust pipe.

Snow is coming and I may get up in the Mtns. tomorrow and get to see how much they help.






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What's the distance from the ground to the bottom of the mud flap? I never had good luck with the plastic mud flaps, I use rubber horse mats from tractor supply co.

LOL.... yes...your Explorer has been indulging in holiday calories....time for the gym

Those are rubber flaps with some kind of fiber mixed-in for strength. I think I cut them to about 11" off the ground.

I found a rear air deflector but it is made for a sport? 1998-2004 Ford Explorer, Aerowing, Smoke - GT Styling

Do the sports hatch open differently?

I think I will add some mud flaps to the front as well............................I am headed out in the little mess outside, we got an inch and a half of snow.

As far as I know the sports hatch is the same as the 4-Door. It should work. I kinda like it myself

In the rear is it mounted to both the frame, and the cab?

What's the distance from the ground to the bottom of the mud flap? I never had good luck with the plastic mud flaps, I use rubber horse mats from tractor supply co.
And I ordered these, waited three days, I will look at those, bet they are really tough. I also was trying to get my hands on some used conveyor belt, really tough stuff!

And I ordered these, waited three days, I will look at those, bet they are really tough. I also was trying to get my hands on some used conveyor belt, really tough stuff!
The ones you have will work fine on your vehicle. The horse mats are tough. 1 inch thick material. I use them cause states like AZ, cops will stop you if your vehicle requires mud flaps and they are sailing in the wind, more than 8 inches off the ground.

LOL....'re Explorer has been indulging in holiday calories....time for the gym
I did keep the current rear flaps as wide as I could,.......................... looks wider,................................ too wide, embarrassed,................................I have ordered some narrower and matching Plasticoat mud flaps for the front and rear. They will be here tomorrow.

I also ordered the GT Styling rear air deflector.

I got the lower side/ends cut and welded to the bumper, but need to cut/weld-on end caps, and then it will be complete. I also fixed the rear wiper, tightened the spring and ground down the stops to allow it to wipe nicely across the whole window. This is how she sits currently:


/\ I got one of those GT Styling rear air deflector for my WJ Jeep... besides function it will add some flare/sporty look to the back.
"I got the lower side/ends cut and welded to the bumper, but need to cut/weld-on end caps" << I don't know if you'd be interested in something like this....but it might cool.... they sell these in various sizes (see link) so I'm sure "they" have your bumper tube size.... could slap some JB Weld on edges and pop on/ in bumper tube ends....and might avoid night time "gotcha" to the legs walking by rear bumper in the dark...or less painful than steel. :)
(I put these on my rusty rear hatch glass carriage bolt type heads!'d think I work for the manufacturer)


/\ I got one of those GT Styling rear air deflector for my WJ Jeep... besides function it will add some flare/sporty look to the back.
"I got the lower side/ends cut and welded to the bumper, but need to cut/weld-on end caps" << I don't know if you'd be interested in something like this....but it might cool.... they sell these in various sizes (see link) so I'm sure "they" have your bumper tube size.... could slap some JB Weld on edges and pop on/ in bumper tube ends....and might avoid night time "gotcha" to the legs walking by rear bumper in the dark...or less painful than steel. :)
(I put these on my rusty rear hatch glass carriage bolt type heads!'d think I work for the manufacturer)
Good idea, but the tubing is cut at an angle, so I need oval caps. I tried to keep the bumper close, cutting it tight enough to the body so as to not run into it. I can trace them, cut a couple, weld 'em on and paint it up again.

I like the bolt caps as well, but first I am also going to look for a couple black cap bolts for the rear glass.

That is a creative use of the old bed frame. Good thinking. See those in scrap piles everywhere.

A bed frame has an advantage of being lighter, stronger, higher carbon steel. That is why it can be thin and can support a couple of people. A disadvantage to the material is that it is hard enough that it is more difficult to drill and cut with a blade. It will eat cheap bits quickly and is best cut with a grinder and cut off wheel.........I also wonder about welding it for anything that would be taking much force as it may get brittle around the welds.........................

The rear air deflector I thought I had found and ordered, is no longer made. I had ordered one made for a four door from a parts house.

I placed another order directly with GT Styling for one which it list for a sport. I hope they can make me one and it fits!

I got rid of the wide, fat flaps and got my matching set. I am not happy with the fronts, they are too narrow and when I mounted them to the inside of the fender and then had to move the inside back for tire clearance, they got a bit crooked. I am going to get the wider ones for the front and make brackets to hang them back a bit from the fender like I did the rears.



Weird? Works for me, not the weirdness, but I have fit a 32" spare, haul Mtn. bikes with a better departure angle and now with less muck getting on everything back there.

I got an update that GT Styling has shipped the rear air deflector.

Looks good to me... Cober's pc screen must be awry ;)

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Looks good to me... Cober's pc screen must be awry ;)
Naw, it’s because it’s made with appropriate materials in a reasonable way, and not just hacked together junk.
