is there a way to self test a coil pack on a 91 ford explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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is there a way to self test a coil pack on a 91 ford explorer


New Member
September 8, 2008
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Tucson, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Ford Explorer 4.0
is there a way to test a coil pack on a 91 ford explorer. the ford explorer will fire up but will not start. it has no spark either. It also will not take a jump. someone at autozone suggested it might????? be the coil pack. so now i would like to self test it but dont know how to on a 91 ford explorer 4.0. Does any know how to do this?

is there a way to test a coil pack on a 91 ford explorer. the ford explorer will fire up but will not start. it has no spark either. It also will not take a jump. someone at autozone suggested it might????? be the coil pack. so now i would like to self test it but dont know how to on a 91 ford explorer 4.0. Does any know how to do this?

Fires up, but wont start?? kinda contradictory there. in order for an engine to 'fire up', its gotta attempt to start. it may not keep running, but it must it must get some combustion going.

you say no spark. well, with no spark, you get no combustion, unless your a diesel.

do you mean it will crank, but not fire??

also, not taking a jump?? as in it wont crank any better with the jump on??

I would test the coil pack as mentioned previously (its easy and cheap to do).
Inspect the battery and terminals (and the connections on the solenoid right next to the batt on the passenger firewall). you may find your problem is as simple as a bad connection, or battery.
